Just when you think they've updated-AUTHORS NOTES!

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Before I start, thank you @DianisTheKitteh for writing what you did in my previous chapter "leave me alone motherfucker". I don't even know why you deleted the comment, but it was nice. So, thank you!

"Hey guys! It's that time again-Authors Note! I bet you were expecting an actual chapter *Mickey Mouse laugh*  SUCKS FOR YOU!"

"I'm just here to get your hopes up. Keep reading, darling! It says something really really unimportant that I know you really couldn't give a rats ass about".

"This is just my way of  indirectly saying I have writers block. I'm gonna give you a bullshit excuse like; I'm going to my nana's house, no wifi!"


Bruh *stank face meme*

You do realize that having no wifi means no phone, television, or computer access, right?

But, I'm following you, tho.

I see that comment you just made 53 seconds ago to StarCommand123 {completely made up} saying "lols, I just woke up the whole house with my laughter, rotfl".

No wifi, huh?

Is you a magician?

I see you, Houdini.

And, what grinds my gears even more is the fact that they're so cherry about it with their stupid sign offs.

"See you soon, my sexy unicorns! Muah! Muah!'

"Xoxo, my lovlies".

"*Insert peace emoji here*  Till then, little monsters".

Why do you gotta give us names?

Why can't we just be called readers?

That's what we are, Isn't it?!

Okay,  I'm getting a little off topic here.

Infact, so off topic that i don't even remember what i was going to type. So, i'll leave you with this; i understand authors want to give an explaination for their lack of updates. I get that, but could you please write that on your message board/status instead? Or just mark it on hold? 

It's unnecessary in my opinion, and a little bit annoying to bring our hopes up like that.

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