Love triangles, squares, octagons...

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"I love you, Jessica," he told her.

She raised a brow, backing up slightly, "um, who are you?"

He smiles, chuckling lightly, "you're so cute when you play dumb!" He cooed.  "I'm Dave," Jessica gives him a blank look, making him stutter out, "f-from chapter 5". She stays silent, "you borrowed my pencil..."


Wattpad books do this often.

When things are going smooth sailing, in other words, good. Then, BAM! Dave from chapter 5, an irrelevant ass character, becomes a whole lot more than a nice guy who lent Jessica a pencil.


Because, the following has happened to the author.

A) Writers block.

-It's a bitch, i know, but resist the urge to make a Dave.

B) The author HONESTLY thought it would be a good idea.


C) Other.

-It's always good to have an option C, so i put it there, even if i don't know another reason an author would do such an evil thing.

I have seen books where the most pointless love triangles are made. Hell, I've seen a love circle.

You know, where in every chapter, a new guy randomly proffesses his love to the girl. A tiring, never ending cycle of "i love yous".

Like, no.

And, I'm just over here like, "the bitch ain't even that cute!"

Most of the time, the girl doesn't even do anything. She's just there, and then the guys swoons, and it goes a little something like this...

Jessica walked into McDonalds, smiling at the cashier politely.

Dave gulps, nervous at her obvious flirting. He was mesmerized by her beauty, "m-m-ma-may i-i t-t-ta-tak-take y-you-your o-or-der?"

"Um, I'd like to have a number five, with no cheese-"

Meanwhile, he was thinking about their future together, specifically their wedding day. How their childeren would look, and so on.

"Can i have your number," he blurts out without thinking. "I've loved you ever since you walked through that door 157 seconds ago, and i know you love me, too. I can see it in your eyes".

Jessica slowly walks backwards , creeped out. "Um, just cancel my order, I'm not hungry anymore".

I have no idea what i did there, just let it happen.

Daves ain't cool, patna *country accent*

Avoid 'em.


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