8|Scarred Memories

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"And that will include our class for today." Ms. Hallow, the literature teacher, concluded while shutting her classic novel just as the bell rang. "Remember to pick your homework assignments from my table before leaving." Her voice was drowned out by the sound of scraping chairs and bursting chatter as students stood eagerly to get the day over and done with.

Ameena quickly stuffed her books into her backpack and stood.

"Hello!" A chirpy voice echoed in her ear as a familiar hand slid into the crook of hers linking them. Ameena didn't have to turn her face to know who it was, picking two homework off the table she handed one of the copies to Stacy with a smile.

"What's up Stace?" As much as she tried, her voice could never hit the high overexcited notes like Stacy's did. Or look hyperactive most of the time.

"Nothing," Stacy sung with a bounce to her step she tugged Ameena out of the classroom and down the hall, her long blonde ponytail swinging back and forth in a 'swish swish' manner.

Ameena stopped by her locker and opened it balancing her backpack on her knee in order to change the books.

"So..." Stacy began leaning on the locker opposite her, she dropped her voice into a whisper. "Where's Alex?"

"Dunno, probably in track?" She lied through her teeth. In truth, Alex had texted her bright and early in the morning about how he wasn't going to be in school.

Skipping as always, she didn't always approve of it. It started off small, once a week or certain classes. But after some time he started to skip consecutive days, or weeks in a row. She had tried to get him to talk about the reasons as to why he was suddenly avoiding school, or whatever was going on at home but he did what he always did. He smiled with a flippant shrug and changed the topic smoothly.

It was frustrating in all honesty, he was missing a lot in school. Although, that didn't seem to affect his grades because his parents managed to hire for him a tutor at home. But she knew her frustration mostly came from the fact that they didn't spend as much time as they would when he was in school. Now they mostly spent it together in the evening and weekends, not that she would ever bring it up with him. It would just make her sound selfish.

So she did what she always did best; sucked it up and moved on.

Stacy made a noncommittal noise at the back of her throat. "I doubt he's in school."

"Oh?" Ameena shut her locker swinging her backpack over her shoulder. She didn't want to talk about him. At least not to Stacy who clearly had a big crush on him. "You should call him then."

Stacy looked up, then away as she chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully, "Maybe..." The nervous look on her face dissolved into a wide beam. "Did you finish math homework?"

Ameena nodded, "I'll give you when we get to-" Her voice trailed off as a small crowd appeared in front of them blocking the path. Ameena cautiously approached the chattering crowd that seemed to formed a C shape around whatever was happening at the center.

The sound of a body hitting metal followed by a grunt caught her attention. Craning her neck over the heads to catch a proper glimpse, she tip toed moving closer to the crowd. A flash of red hair appeared before disappearing then brown curly hair.

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