20|Against The Wall

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Alex had broken at least five road rules while racing towards Ameena's apartment.

He didn't care about the red light nor the cars that hooted angrily at him, drivers with sailor mouths cussing at him.

Hell, he couldn't give two chicken fucks when he almost ran over an old woman crossing the street. He was sure more than ten cameras had caught his road rage skills, yet he hardly cared.

The car, unlike Ameena, was totally disposable. All he had to do was burn it afterwards. Or leave it by some druggies home.

Slamming the breaks, he swerved a sharp right gripping the steering wheel tightly at the sight of her apartment in the distance. His heard thudded painfully between his rib cage, mind whirring at the possibilities of what he was about to face past her door.

"Fuck-" he was frustrated, and blinded by rage at the thought of his brother being within a mile of her.

Most of all, Alex felt a cold finger touch his heart at the thought of what his brother could do to her. He was capable of anything.

Stepping in the brake sharply, he promptly killed the engine and jumped out of the car racing towards the apartment. Pushing past the emergency steps door, Alex took them three at a time all the way to her floor. The soles of his shoes hardly touched the ground as he pushed past the top door, eyes zoned in on Ameena's door.

It looked untouched and there were no signs of a struggle from the outside but that didn't put his heart at ease.

The cold fingers gripping it only tightened.

Maybe it was the adrenaline rush, or the fear that fueled his rage. Whatever it was, he broke down the door with one simple kick to the center. As though it was light weight, the door burst open slamming the wall, its hinges screeching from the sudden impact as bolts loosened and fell noisily to the floor.

"What the fucking-Alex?" Ameena questioned in surprise as her eyes drew to the wide open door, "WHAT THE FUCK-!" she immediately ran to it, checking the hinges in shock before gently closing it as to not worsen the damage.

Brushing past her as though she were a ghost, Alex moved to the living room and she quickly followed. His hawk eyes scrutinized every single piece of furniture for signs of struggle. The walls, couch- everything seemed to be in place and still. Moving to the kitchen he did a sweep as well, Ameena staring at him in confusion with her mouth slightly ajar.

"What are you-"

He moved on to her laundry room checking inside cabinets and inside her basket filled with laundry.

"Would you just stop for a second and explain why the fuck you are-" she stepped back at the sight of Alex's hardened gaze. Enraged was an understatement, he looked ready to kill, shoulders tensed, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed and undressing everything in her home. In his hand was a gun with his silencer to which he held ready to use it at any minutes interval. Her voice somehow quietened from the tinge of fear that hollowed in her stomach, "Why do you have a gun-"

"Where is he?" Alex's voice was rugged, almost breathless, as he entered her room last and set to check her bathroom ripping the shower curtain from its hanger in order to peer into the bathtub.

"Where is who?" Ameena watched as he tore through her bathroom, pushing aside soaps and her bathroom items from the counter.

Her angry words fell on deaf ears as he moved on the to the bedroom, ripping the sheets from her bed and peering underneath as well. "Him Ameena! cazzo di sangue-" When he wasn't satisfied, her wardrobe was the next to be turned upside down. Clothes on hangers were pushed aside, drawers ripped open. At this point Alex was basically tearing down whatever stood on his path. "Vieni fuori figlio di puttana."

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