11|Bits and Pieces

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"Jack Wilson, the owner of multi-billion dollar company, Skye Enterprises was found dead last night in his private penthouse."

"Another body, which has been later identified as his personal bodyguard, was also found on the crime scene, further information on the matter however will be disclosed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation however..." The blonde newscasters voice droned on in the background as clips from the crime scene was displayed.

Ameena gripped the hot mug between her palms daring her eyes not to look away from the billion dollar clean cut penthouse that would've looked good, had it not been stained with blood on the Italian white sofa and Persian carpets. She knew this penthouse, not only was it featured about a million times on TV for its decor, it was only a short driving distance away from her flat.

They tried to censor the blood and signs of struggle but were obviously very bad at the job.

The sight of two bodies being wheeled out of the building in body bags made her stomach lurch. Her mind went back to the night before...surely it just had to be coincidence. Ameena turned away and walked to her clean kitchen. She dumped the black coffee contents into the sink before turning on the tap, making the sound of rushing water drown out the news.

"-The work is believed to have been done by a rival cartel, Dimbrosia Dela-"

"Good morning."

Ameena nearly jumped out of her skin, her wet hand going to her chest while the other gripped the mug she almost smashed in the sink. She turned and stared wide-eyed at Alex who was standing, more like leaning, on her kitchen wall.

His upper torso was bare except for a thick bandage wrapped around his shoulder and chest, and a pair of loose blue pyjama pants. Ron's if she were to be specific.

"Damn it Alex!" Ameena snapped discarding her favourite mug and running her wet hands down her robe, "Stop scaring me."

Alex only raised an eyebrow at her outburst, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Suddenly nervous, she watched as he casually walked into the kitchen heading for the fridge. He didn't act like he was shot only a few moments ago, but she could see the signs of pain etched into his stiff movements. The way he winced as he raised his injured arm and inhaled sharply from a sudden ache.

A part of her wanted to feel pity, hell even remorse, but her mind kept going back to the two men found will bullet holes through their skulls and other parts of their body. The memory of Alex removing two empty magazines and his gun was clarity to her.

It was him.

He killed them.

"You're giving me that look again." Alex murmured, his back turned towards her as he reached into her fridge. She heard him grunt something under his breath about Ron which was followed by something hitting the bottom of the trash bin.

Did he just...?

Ameena looked away from the way his back muscles rippled effortlessly from such a small action. Cursing herself silently, she always loved his back, the way her nails would dig into his flesh leaving jagged red lines which he wore like a prized possession.

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