31|Through Smoke and Ash

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The silence that followed was deafening all around.

Ameena's wide eyes scanned the room, body still shaking from the remaining tremors that shook the building by its foundation.

The man that looked like an older version of Alex had already crossed the room and was almost out the door, cursing in full blown yet muffled Italian, soon after, Ameena found herself being dragged along behind him, Alonzo pushing her body forward while holding her tight to him. He let out a series of curses of his own as the deafening silence was pierced with muted sounds of gunfire.

In a spit second he froze, swiveling around to the windows. "What the-!"

She hardly heard the deafening sound of something breaking through the glass, falling and ricocheting off the floor with an eerie "tink!"

She felt his arms around her go impossibly tighter and not even a second later she was pummeled into the ground, face first. A shard of pain as if someone took a knife to her skin went up the nerves of her arm, the instinctual cry getting lost in her throat the moment she felt his weight slam into her from behind. She had also landed on her broken finger.

"Fucking hell!" He growled above her and for the first time in a few seconds, released his hold, slamming a hand to her head, pressing her further into the ground.

Ameena flailed, her hands swing wildly on the ground as she wasn't sure what the hell was going on, she struggled against him wildly.

He cursed again, lifting her head a few inches and slammed it into the ground once. It was enough for her to go completely still, blinding lights of all colors flashing before her eyes.

"Hold still bitch!" It was nothing short of a growl as he dragged her under what she guessed was the table. Not a second later, a shrill "boom!" That echoed off the wall followed by a flash that almost fully blinded her came from the direction of the thing that slammed through the window. Even in the daylight it seemed to mimick the sun.

It was a miracle she managed to see the metal the light reflected off, with shaking hands she grabbed the dinner knife and jerkily pushed it down the folds of her dress.

Alonzo grabbed her, dragged her from their little makeshitft shelter and tugged her up harshly.

Ameena blinked, her ears still ringing loudly. She was so disoriented for a moment she did not notice they had left the room until she was being dragged down the corridor that appeared a lot different that the one she had cane through before.

Not only was it streaked with rubble and tapestry, further down it seemed as if a full blown war was taking place.

She made a step towards there only to be dragged back and pushed into another direction, that being the wall. Ameena gritted her teeth and pushed back against him.

"Ah, If you knew what was best you'd not make a fucking move right now," he punctuated his words be pushing something right where her nape was, the cool metal almost burning her skin somehow.

'God damn it,' she cursed inwardly.

Alonzo, satisfied that she'd stay put, focused on the other task of feeling on the wall for something.

She watched him through the corners of her eyes wanting nothing more than the gun to miraculously appear in her hands.

Seconds later he found what he was looking for, slamming his hand into the wall. To her surprise, the wall opened, wide enough for a large male to enter, the tunnel however led down into pitch black darkness.

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