36| Ameena

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2nd chapter posted today as promised

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Ameena felt as if she was under a warm haze. She dreamt many dreams, saw many scenes that made her feel contented and comfortable. A weird peace that calmed her entire being and made her reluctant to open her eyes.

She didnt want to leave such comfort, not yet at least.

But alas, her body was never on the path of her mind. Her eyes opened a crack and she could only stare deliriously at the harsh brightness that was started piercing through her pupils and into her brain.

She wanted to lift her arms to cover her eyes but out quickly that her arms felt as if it was jelly and her body was so weak and faintly hot, she couldn't move an inch.

The only thing she could manage was a twitch of one of her fingers and that was it, nothing else.

She soon found her eyes slipping shut once again. Gone.

• •

There was something warm holding onto her hand, almost squeezing her fingers. Yet it was gentle, a gentle squeeze which coaxed her out of the comfort of sleep. She frowned, wanting to pull her hand away and finding out, much to her elation, that she could. She pulled her hand from the grip. Still frowning as she peeked through a tiny crack in her eyelids.

Her entire vision was too blurry only seeing one hazy figure in the room which led her to open her eyes wider.

Her vision got clearer.

A man was lying on the chair that was the closest to her beg. One of his holding onto hers as if it was a lifeline and the other held over his face as he was sleeping.

Ameena's face burned as she recognized him immediately. Happiness blossoming through her chest.

She didn't bother dragging her hand away. She squeezed his instead. She'd recognize this build anywhere plus it had been too long since she'd last saw him.

"Ron...!" she called out, suddenly stopping as she found out how dry and weak her throat was, almost to the point that it was painful.

She gave up calling out and instead chose to shake him awake, looking around the room for the first time. Her mouth fell open slightly, shocked. She'd seen hospitals before but why did this one feel like a place reserved for wealthy sick people. It was familiar in a way.

Even though this was clearly a patient's room, the machines and standing drip said enough, it gave off a different vibe. There was furniture even a whole damn couch, a book shelf and a stand just for flowers.

...A lot of flowers.

It was simply huge and the walls were a nice shade of beige and through the wide closed windows, in areas that weren't blocked by the heavy looking curtain, she could see a whole damn scenery.

What the f-

Ameena blinked, suddenly reminded by the dryness in her throat as she tried to swallow.

Her eyes snapped to the night stand and she spotted a sealed bottle of water.

Thank fuck.

Ron always slept like a log. She pried her hands from his and went to lean over the other side of the bed, hell bent on grabbing that bottle.

She had misjudged her strength and how far the bottle was from the edge of the bef. Her back felt as if it hadn't moved in weeks, her legs too felt like noodles along with dull pain resounding from all over her body. She lasted for a few seconds before her body gave out and the entire room was started spinning.

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