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Both men walked side to side along the pavement each not sharing a word yet finding sync in their movements.

Alex's mind was preoccupied but that didn't stop his eyes from analyzing their surroundings, gazing pensively at what appeared to be a deserted street.

Not far up ahead was a building that looked as if it had seen better days. Smashed windows and dangling window panes, paint peeling so much it was next to nonexistent, a door which rattled with termites (most likely), was among the many things decorating the wreckage.

To a passing outsider, they would stick out like sore thumbs, two men in fine suits that looked as if they were attending a high scale function walking along slummy and very dusty delapidated zinc fences.

Mark was silent as death with his eyes following Alex's movements, flickering around the area.

Among all the places they could've picked to discuss their next call of action, this was the most low profile.

"Right now, there's at least six snipers pointed at us, " Mark was the first to break the silence. Alex paid him no attention and kept looking around. The snipers he noticed, they seemed to be Mark's men so he never thought to be cautious.

"Seven," he corrected, eyes flickering to the adjacent building spotting the tiny crack in the dirt stained window, "And they're pointed at me, if we're being specific."

Mark barked out a laugh, slapping Alex on his shoulder, "Still sharp as ever Nick." He held up his palm, most likely signalling his men, obediently they bowed out of sight.

"Don't call me that," Alex spoke coldly, keeping his eyes straight forward.

"What's the harm." Alex could hear the smile in Marks tone as he spoke and his fists clenched reflexively.

"We'll find out if you were to say it again," They were close now, the broken door was only a few feet away.

Mark chuckled as they entered the building and veered off the straight path to a torn painting on the wall nearest to the corner.

Effortlessly, he brushed it away to reveal what looked like plain walling, he pressed his hand in that same spot and almost immediately a dim light lit up, turning green as it ran down the length of his palm.

Then, after another minute of scanning each fingertip, the wall opened to reveal a tiny box-like compartment with a neat little slanted number pad.

Faster than the eye can keep up Mark typed in the code. Alex, already familiar with the process, moved just in time to not fall into the trapdoor which opened to reveal a flight of stairs leading down into darkness.

"A few of my accomplices showed up for the meeting, including Zander and Remy, they want to hear your side of the story that was spread among the cartel."

Alex, clearly taken aback, stared at Mark lucidly.

Remy and Zander?

It was surprising that Alonzo hadn't succeeding in acquiring them over on his side.

"And that story would be?" Alex asked as they descended down the stairs, quite curious now on what false news Alonzo had spread.

"That you found a whore on the outside that changed you and you were planning to take the chip and sell it off to ensure yours and her freedom," Mark spoke in one breath.

Alex felt his left eye twitch.

"I of course, never believed in the slightest and now that I've met that cute little mami of yours, It's hard to believe that she were the one that corrupted you and not the other way around."

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