5|Orange is the new black

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Alex watched the glass of milkshake slip from her hand and fall to the floor with a loud crash. Shards of glass scattered everywhere, and the hem of her pants was soaked with chocolate milkshake, the cherry rolling underneath one of the booths.

Most people, if not all, turned to look at the scene that had conspired. Ameena had frozen in her spot, face pale as her eyes widened. A small part of Alex knew that he sparked the look of fear in her eyes, and he hated himself for being the one get such an expression from her.

Fortunately he quickly shoved that feeling away and raised a hand curling his finger in a 'come here' gesture. It took Ameena a few seconds to realize what he meant.

As expected, she took a step back.

Alex couldn't help the smirk that formed, he placed one hand on the table drumming it patiently, the other propping his chin up while he stared at her. Similar to a predator watching its prey, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Alex took his opening to stand when one grumbling waiter appeared carrying a bucket of mucky water and a mop catching Ameena's attention. One moment he was sitting on the booth, the next he was only steps away from her.

Ameena yelped jumping knocking the back of her thighs on a table, the occupants of said table made their complaints as the plate slid.

Swiftly, Alex stretched out his hand catching the plate of fries that was about to fall before setting it back on the table. When he turned Ameena was already gone, heading towards the kitchen door that had a bold red 'Staff Only' sign printed on it.

"It's been long since I played a game of cat and mouse," He grinned feeling a rush of adrenaline through his veins. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. Instead of following her, he rounded the corner taking the shortest way to the door.

Ameena dug her heels into the floor when she saw him standing right beside her only escape, casually leaning on the wall with arms crossed across his chest, ankle swung over the other.

Alex smiled wolfishly gesturing at the door, "Ladies first." He smirked, seeing the way her eyes kept darting to the door and back to him, clearly contemplating if the risk was even worth it.

In truth, he was going to let her through either way. He just wanted to play with her a little before she could go.

He knew the kitchen door would open and she would dart in just as waiters walked out. What she didn't know was they would be dragging out a six layered cake, thathe had spied out before she arrived, anytime soon.

She moved to it just as the door swung open, Alex grabbed her wrist right before she could smash into the trolley. He yanked her into him, holding her flush against himself. Even under the layers of clothing, he could feel the delicious race of her heartbeat against his chest.

"Clumsy as always," He whispered into her ear as the waiters walked out singing the birthday song loudly, clapping their hands and drowning out any other sounds.

Ameena tried snatching her hand back but his grip was that of steel.

"Relax amore mio." Alex purred rubbing his thumb over her wrist in slow circular motions. There was something so familiar about that gesture, something he used to do in the past when he was comforting her.

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