The Wall

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The sky had transformed into a brilliant cauldron of stars.  Suspended amongst them was the unavoidable moon.  Together they cast their brilliant celestial light upon the stone.  Flakes continued to fall from the errant clouds that remained.

Lilly stood upon the rampart, her red cloak upon her shoulders.  Beneath it she had adorned her armor and scimitar.  The tigress had never fought with something so cumbersome draped around herself.

Araka's new tunic provided him with overwhelming warmth.  The snow leopards had kindly offered him the winter garment, to prevent another deadly occurrence.  His fiery orange cloak was also present, aiding his new attire.

Ukin had received a similar gift.  Although he hadn't been near death, the Frostpaw had deemed his loincloth insufficient.  Ukin's new tunic was warm, but drastically thinner than Araka's.  The garb's back was minimal, allowing the hawk's wings their freedom.

The emperor, now dressed in exquisite armor, peered over the wall.  Shatterspear's army wasn't visible, but it was approaching.  His warriors would appear before their gate, well before the sun's rise.

Song has resumed her position alongside Cha.  She followed her emperor's gaze as it fell upon the summoned warriors.  They were large in number, and their weapons jutted beyond the parapet.

Song had never seen such a gathering before.  Lilly and her companions intermixed with the rallied warriors and guards of the Frostpaw.  The elegant feline had never experienced war before, nor had here people been marched upon.

Ukin had spoken vaguely of Shatterspear's cruelty and disrespect.  The hawk had assuredly experienced both.  If not, then he witnessed the warlord's malice through his private vision.  Song was left to imagine the true extent of his evil.

It all sought to instill her with dread.  Song was a masterful arcanist, but lacked the vital experience that her allies possessed.  The magical knowledge contained within her mind did not alleviate her worries.

She feared they would all perish in the bloodshed.  Ukin, Araka and Lilly all experienced similar feelings.

Ukin thought of his slaughtered people.  The blood soaked earth and the child's corpse were nightmarish images.  The deaths of innocent children concerned him more than his own potential demise.

Araka remembered his mother's bony body.  The crocodile feared death, but he feared more the suffering that would befall mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.  Araka would heal the wounded that fought for a different fate.

Emperor Cha turned towards Lilly, "You are certain he will not honor our neutrality?"

"He will demand your loyalty", Lilly paused.  "When you refuse him, he will murder everyone here."

The emperor stood silently, as he returned his attention to the path.  The mountain was their greatest defense.  Its treacherous terrain would ensure the deaths of many warriors.

Instead of a deadly ravine, stone formations surrounded the wall.  It is from this rock the defensive feature was carved.  Climbing the ice crusted stone to reach the parapet was impossible.  Ariam's army would be forced to funnel itself through the gate.

Cha's strategy intended to control the flow to ensure victory.

"I intend to control the flow of enemies into the courtyard", he stated.  "I will require your assistance Ukin."

Together the emperor, accompanied by his arcane envoy, descended bellow.  They intended to further formulate their plan before reorganizing their soldiers.  Lilly would have interjected if she believed it to be a foolish one.

Lilly wanted to speak with Araka, but desired privacy from the soldiers.  The courtyard below was massive, and only Cha, Ukin and Song were within it.

The tigress took Araka's hand-claw, and they descended the rampart.  He wore a look of slight confusion as they traversed the massive plaza.  Lilly guided him towards its rounded raised left.

The dias overlooked one of the mountain range's countless chasms.  The ice coated slopes caught the majestic light of the moon and stars.  Despite the impending conflict, they found it radiant.

Lilly locked eyes with Araka, and the reptile peered back.  He found her eyes mesmerizing, as they glowed like emerald coals in the night.  Lilly found herself reflexively reaching out to stroke his snout.  Araka placed his hand-claws upon her chromatic cheeks, as she did so.

Their lips pressed together and they shared their third kiss.  It was a moment they desired would last forever.  The battle would never begin, and they wouldn't fear parting ways in death.

Eventually the tender moment had to cease.  They reluctantly break their embrace wearing happy, but also fearful expressions.  Whatever hope they attempted to hold, was being battled by terror.

Lilly's eyes formed tears as Araka's did.  Each other's watery orbs conveyed more than words ever could.  They hoped the future possessed countless affectionate moments.

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