A Vision of Blood

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Song and Ukin crossed the threshold into the hot spring. Through the sultry mist two individuals could faintly be seen. Song continued to hold Ukin's hand-talon as they approached the shrouded figures.

As Ukin drew closer to them, they realized it was Araka and Lilly. They stood beside the pool's edge, dressed in identical green robes. After drying their fur and scales with silken sheets, they had donned the muted garments.

Ukin was overjoyed to see Araka standing without aid. He shifted upon foot-claws and flexed fingertips that would remain his. The crest of the reptile's snout had regained its green coloration. The hot spring had rejuvenated his body as everyone had hoped.

Ukin was also glad the water had reinvigorated Lilly. Supporting Araka's body through the blistering cold had stiffened her back. The hot spring's pleasant water caused the hunchback to disappear. Lilly's energy seemed renewed as well.

"It is good you have both recovered your strength", the hawk smiled. "I especially feared the cold would claim you, Araka."

Araka turned to Song, "If your people had not offered us kindness, I would have surely died."

Lilly and Ukin's efforts to ensure the reptile's survival would have failed.  If the snow leopards had not offered them hospitality, Araka would have died upon the mountainside.  They would all be forever grateful to the Frostpaw clan.

"Ukin, was your audience with Emperor Cha successful", Lilly questioned?

"He is increasing the number of scouts patrolling the mountains", Ukin said triumphantly.

His statement was met with expressions of utter happiness.  They had journeyed through dangerous territory to be successful.  The gambit bore fruit that may yield a new ally.

The snow leopards continued to remain neutral, but cautious.  If Shatterspear appears upon the narrow path, the Frostpaw clan can prepare.  Allies are forged in battle and in times of survival.  When the last warrior lies dead the three companions may find themselves with new friends.

"Araka and I intend to return to our chamber.  Take the opportunity to enjoy the hot spring as we did", Lilly gestured to the steaming pool before them.

"My emperor has instructed me to provide you with warm meals", Song informed Araka and Lilly.

The tigress was fond of the flavor of cured meat.  However its steady consumption had caused her to grow tired of it.  Strips of it were the only ration they had received from the Windwalker hawks.  Kriak and Vasha had banished them from their territory, but not from life.

Araka's maw salivated as he and the tigress ventured towards the hot spring's entrance.  They disappeared beyond the threshold, wisps of mist trailing behind them.  He heard their footsteps grow fainter as they ventured further down the hall.

"I will bring your meal here, so you may enjoy the hot springs now", Song stated before departing.  Ukin liked the idea of eating something warm, in warmth, instead of separating them.

Steam pursued her form as she left the cavernous room.  Ukin already anticipated her return with a warm meal.  Ukin missed the food served in the Whisperwind Palace since he began consuming strips of meat.

With the snow leopard gone, the hawk began to disrobe.  He neatly folded and placed his cloak on the stone floor.  He then removed his loincloth, and placed it alongside the winter garment.  His feathers and cloak had left him warm enough, despite his minuscule loincloth.

The avian slowly lowered himself into the heated water.  Its effects already took hold, as the cold was leached from his joints.  He stretched his stiff wings, allowing them to be fully submerged in the healing bath.

The avian stretched his arms, legs and wings as his feathered skin soaked.  The sensation of warmth was overwhelming, after being exposed to frigid air.

Seated in the water, Ukin realized he could have the answer to his question.  He leaned forward, eyes concentrated on the reflective expanse before him.  He held his hand-talons aloft, palms facing the crude ceiling.

Tendrils of purple energy surged forth from his fingertips.  They snaked into the water, planting themselves like roots in soil.  The liquid acquired a violet hue, but the steam emanating from it remained wispy white.

Ukin recalled his homeland to memory.  He envisioned his palace home, the surrounding villages and the gale washed hills they both stood upon.  Each of the tendrils began to fade as a shifting image bubbled to the water's surface.

The hawk's beak trembled at the sight within his field of view.  A lion knelt beside the corpse of a hawk child.  With harsh and abrupt movements he dragged it through Ukin's visual gateway.  The deceased youth's back was still oozing blood, as his lifeless foot-talons smeared the image.

Ukin's fragile hopes were dashed as Lilly was proven correct.  An uncomfortable bubbling sensation appeared in his throat, but he quickly swallowed it away.

The graceful padding of foot-paws alerting Ukin to Song's presence.  She carried between her hand-paws an ornate wooden trey.  Resting on a small saucer was a roasted chunk of meat, and beside it a squat cup.

Song paused as the pool reacquired its natural color.  The violet tone she had glimpsed was familiar to her.

The monochromatic leopard place Ukin's meal beside him, "This is roasted ilei and a cup of flower tea."

"Thank you", Ukin did not look away from the water.

"Forgive me for asking about a potentially private matter", Song politely requested.  "Were you scrying?"

"Your question did not offend me, however I do not wish to speak of what I glimpsed", his tone was grim as he informed the snow leopard.

"I shall leave you with your thoughts, but I must thank you first.  Your warning could save us all", Song's gratitude.

He finally turned to meet Song's gaze, "I do not wish to see another people suffer the same mistakes mine did."

"We shall not because of you and your companions.  I will now leave you to the peace of the hot spring." The feline turned, but Ukin snatched the hem of her snow and sapphire colored robes.

"I have a question to ask of you.  Are you an arcanist?"

Song knelt gingerly as she clutched the hem of her robe.  She sat with her knees and foot-paws tucked beneath her torso.  It was impossible to see either, her silky robes obscuring both.

"I learn arcanism from an elderly hawk.  He became like a father to me as we traveled Drema and I learned spells.  He is buried beneath the palace, amongst the noble dead of the Frostpaw Clan", Song shed a tear as she recalled her many pleasant memories of Nelo.

"I'm sorry he died, and I am sorry I brought these memories to your mind again", Ukin felt guilty for causing a tear to fall from her eye.

She blinked several times, before smiling, "You needn't apologize, for all of my memories of him are fond."

It was rare to encounter an arcanist far from the Whisperwind Palace.  It was even rarer to encounter an arcanist that was not of the Windwalker tribe.  Ukin's people seldom imparted their magical secrets to outsiders.

"I have not conversed with a fellow arcanist in a short while.  After I finish my meal and soak, I would like nothing more than to speak of magic with you", Ukin stated with excitement.

"My duties today are nearly complete.  I shall find you when they are", Song's expression was one that matched the hawk's words.

"I intended to return to the chamber when my meal is finished", he stated.

The only other practitioner the snow leopard had known, was Nelo.  The ability to speak with another would be overwhelming.  It had been three years since her elderly mentor had uttered his last words.

Song stood on her large foot-paws, their thick toes widely splayed.  The feline wore a large smile as she strode towards the hot spring's entrance.  Ukin wore the same smile as she vanished from view.

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