The Matriarch

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Monstrous rocks rose from the sandy shoreline. Crystalline water lapped on the banks of the beach. A crimson sunrise began to take shape overhead, barely breaking the violet night. Huts dotted the coast, whales of countless ages walking between them.

The whales dragging Lilly and Araka finally allowed them to stand. Lilly shakily placed her foot-paws onto the cool sand beneath her. Araka did the same, his foot-claws raking furrows into the granules.

"Walk", commanded the one possessing a useless eye. With musical sounds, he brought his spear to Lilly's neck, as another brought theirs to Araka's.

An opportunity to run presented itself, but their legs were stiff and battered. The female whale among their captors also still possessed their belongings. They couldn't be abandoned, as it would make their already dangerous task even more so.

Lilly instantly noticed that the whales outside their captor's group were nude. The elderly, the young and every age in between didn't seem to wear clothing. Perhaps it was to reduce drag while swimming, whatever the reason may be Lilly found herself in slight discomfort. Araka seemed unphased.

A large stone rose from where the water lapped at the sand. It was polished to a pristine shine from years of weathering at the hands of the sea. It faintly caught the glow of the crimson dawn upon its surface.

A woman sat atop it, her back turned to the coastal village. A thick tail swayed gently nearby the boulder's base. Her blubbery skin was black, except where white markings extended towards the middle of her back. Between them, a meaty fin reached backwards.

Lilly and Araka were guided closer to the mysterious figure. Their foot-paws and foot-claws begin to leave deeper impressions in the moist grainy ground. Water would seep from the sand as they continued to create new ones.

The procession rounded the stone, coming to stand before the whale occupying it. The robust snout all whales possessed was slightly sleeker upon her. Her webbed hands rested on the telltale stomach of an expecting mother. Exposed breasts rested atop it, and she wore nothing to concealed what lied below it.

Once Lilly noticed this she took special care to avoid casting her gaze upon her bare features. Her cheeks washed red through her fur.

She turned her gaze from the churning sea and the horizon downwards. She studied her warriors and the tigress and crocodile with curious eyes. Lilly's heart beat faster and faster as she wondered if the woman recognized her.

Each of the whales present dipped their heads towards the expecting female. Lilly sensed this whale was their ruler and performed the same display. Araka desiring to show respect, mimicked those in his presence.

"Av, we have brought you the daughter of Shatterspear. I believe she could be ransomed back to her father", informed the one in possession of a cream-colored eye.

Her voice was reminiscent of a mirthful tune, "When my eyes fell upon you I believed you were Tigerlilly Bloodsong. It seems I was correct, however, who is this crocodile you have brought before me?"

Again, the half blind whale spoke, "No one we could recall to memory. Someone we manipulated to quell the tigress's fighting spirit. They were traveling together."

"My name is Tigerlilly Bloodsong and my companion's name is Araka. We have no conflict with you. We were hastily traveling north on a dire journey. We must be allowed to continue on", Lilly frantically spoke, immensely aware of the time they had already lost.

"What is the goal of your journey", asked Av? The fires of her interest growing.

"We seek to reach the Whisperwind Palace and inform those within of a coming danger. In time all peoples will come to face it, but not if we stop it there. My father marches to conquer the Windrider tribe", Lilly nearly whispered, shame in her voice.

"We cannot be certain you speak the truth. All you have told us is that you are now also the daughter of a would be warlord", stated the whale amongst them with nearly pristine skin.

"My warrior raises a valid concern. Why should we trust you", Av inquired? Her harmonious voice descended into a mysterious ballad.

Lilly, paused, remembering when she told Araka her true feelings, "I despise my father and he would punish me greatly for uttering those words."

"I would not have decided to travel with Lily had she not proven willing to say that. Her actions have led me to believe her without question", Araka interjected, seeing an opportunity to aid his friend.

Av's eyes returned to the horizon and the swirling wave of the sea. Her sapphire colored eyes began to grow watery as a few small tears roll down the swell of her cheek. She turned her saddened gaze upon the curve of her midsection.

"We are an opportunistic people. I will do whatever it takes to ensure the safety of my people and those yet unborn. I fought one monster to avenge my mate's death and now I will fight another to ensure the safety of our calf", the song of her voice was mired with conviction.

Lilly turned towards Av with surprise upon her face, "Thank you! I promise we will dismantle my father's war effort."

"We will aid you with safe passage through our water bound territory, however", she paused. "If you have lied to us this day, and bring harm to us in the future, there will be nothing to save you from our spears."

Lilly understood her words and nodded with grateful thanks. The spears that had still been leveled with Araka and Lilly's necks were finally lowered. The crocodile stepped through the ankle-deep water, now able to embrace his friend.

Lilly was unfamiliar with the concept of friendship, as her father had never allowed her to foster any. It was a foreign sensation, but a welcome one. She encircled Araka as well, her arms wrapping around his broad scaly back.

They pulled away, both remembering one of their greatest worries. Would they be able to overtake Shatterspear's armies after falling behind?

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