The Narrow Path

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The narrow stone path overlooked a seemingly bottomless ravine.  Thick grey, already ice crusted, rocky walls rose endlessly opposite it.  Howling winds hammered against the mountainside, threatening to dislodge loose stone.

Lilly was normally confident in her movements.  However, on the mountainside, she with proceeded with uncertainty.  The pink pads of her foot-paws were extremely sensitive, and suffered at the hands of the biting stone she walked upon it.

Araka trudged behind her.  His scaly foot-claws created unpleasant scraping sounds upon the path.  The reptile took the most care to ensure his movements were precise and deliberate.

Ukin's foot-talons produced similar scratching and sounds to Araka's.  Each unpleasant noise was a reminder to the avian he was not soaring on the wind.  However, it was a risk he was unwilling to take.  Flying would expose his body to the elements, and almost assuredly send him plummeting into the ravine.

They had only begun their journey through the mountains.  The weather would become more unbearable and the cold would eventually seep into their bones.

Swirling clouds pooled overhead as though a blizzard was approaching.  The skies looked bleak and Lilly knew ice would soon begin to appear upon the path they tread.  Lilly began to worry her gamble would fail, and she would be responsible for two more deaths.

Drema: The Crimson Moon (Version 2)Where stories live. Discover now