An Arcane Ally

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The chamber was sunken and circular, with two thrones located atop a dais. Overhead hung a pulsating crystal, cyan instead of violet. Araka wondered what purpose the change in hue served.

A female sat upon one throne, a male beside her on the other. They were similar in countless ways, different in others. Their feather tones were indistinguishable, the color of their hand and foot-talons the same and their eyes glowed an identical purple shade.

However, their differences were also notable. The female's beak shined in the presence of the crystal overhead and was slightly hooked. Where a right hand should be, there was only a mangled and grizzly stump. Lilly wondered what had stolen her hand.

The male's beak possessed a more noble definition. The deadly fingertips of his hand-talons were longer and sharper than the female's. His body was decorated with countless scars, many of them strangely shaped. These were not acquired from blades, but from deadly spells.

Several steps from the dais stood a third figure. Whereas the brother and sister rulers of the Windwalker clan wore magnificent robes, he wore almost nothing. Only a small loincloth cut from luxurious fabric concealed his crotch.

Lilly and Araka bowed before Kriak and Vasha, demonstrating their respect. At this gesture the rulers noticed the crocodile and tigress before them. Their eyes ceased glowing, and both Kriak and Vasha shared a curious look. There was a familiarity surrounding the tigress.

"What reason do you have for disturbing us", questioned Vasha? Her voice hummed as the crystal above the room did.

Araka rose, "We have valuable information of a coming threat."

"My father will arrive tomorrow to conquer your people. He will slaughter the elderly, the young and the sick like he will your warriors. You must prepare for the battle", Lilly stated, concern lacing her words like poison lacing blood.

"Tigerlilly Bloodsong, your father has only been involved in petty conflicts. Why would he suddenly desire the subjugation of the Windwalker clan", asked Kriak of young feline?

"He seeks not just the conquest of your people, but all peoples. He seeks to conquer all of Drema."

Vasha spoke again, "If your father arrives on our doorstep come dawn, we will disperse his army with the power our spells possess."

"I know my father well. He would not invade your territory without studying your strategies and learning your tactics. He knows what you are capable of, and what your weaknesses our. He will exploit any he finds", Lilly explained.

She could easily recall the visage of her father. His gaze would be focused upon the countless scrolls and texts laid before him. He would toil late into the night, thoroughly examining them in search of valuable information.

"Whatever your concerns may be, we will not mobilize our forces. Not only do I not believe Shatterspear will attack us, I do not believe he would be able to lay waste to us", reasserted Vasha.

"Additionally, he was once our ally. We will not outright engage him as we promised when our alliance crumbled", Kriak reminded Lilly. It was likely one of the only reasons she had gained entry to the Whisperwind Palace.

The nearly naked hawk that had remained silent hinged his beak, "You have always headed my advice and I have always provided you with good counsel. I believe we should prepare for the worst. Our promise should not prevent us from protecting the lives of our people."

"Your tenure has been noted. However, you cannot sway our opinion on this matter", Kriak stated harshly, Vasha nodding in agreement.

"What if children die as the tigress fears!? He will show no mercy to those who cannot defend themselves", he rebuked!

"How do we know this tigress speaks the truth? She could be serving her father to an unknown end", speculated Vasha.

"My father would kill me if he knew I spoke those words. If he was ever to be informed of this transpiring I would be his daughter no longer", frustration building in her throat.

"We know your father to be ill tempered and therefore you raise a valid point. However, you will not convince us to take action. If Shatterspear arrives and attacks we will quickly dispatch his army", Vasha spoke once again. The brother and sister were proving to be quite stubborn.

"I do not have the power to muster our forces, and if I attempted to, you both would stop me. If I cannot convince you to take action in the face of such a grave threat, I cannot advice you further. This is not a difficult choice for me", the hawk threw his gaze, full of conviction, towards the tigress and the crocodile. "Tigerlilly Bloodsong, if the tribe will not stand beside you, then I shall."

Araka and Lilly looked to one another, flabbergasted. Their maws hung loose, teeth shining in the light of the magical crystal. They were beginning to believe they would acquire no allies and no action would be taken.

"If that is your decision Ukin, then we thank you for your service to us. I respect your beliefs for we are only following ours. We will always be welcome to return", Kriak felt genuine loss and it could be seen upon his face. Vasha felt the same, for one of their oldest friends would no longer number in their court.

"Ukin, you have displayed wisdom and virtue throughout your time serving us. Therefore you, and your new allies, will be allowed to remain within our palace until you choose to depart", Vasha's words were solemn, but she wanted to honor their dear friend.

Lilly and Araka hoped that the Kriak and Vasha would be able to repel her father's attack. They had nearly failed in their mission to forge a new ally. They hadn't convinced a new tribe to join their cause, but one among them stood beside them.

They would need to devise their next course of action with their new companion immediately. They had warned the Windwalker tribe, but their words were not going to be acted on. Lilly still could not abandon them, knowing they will be in need.

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