The Council of Three

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Ukin's private chambers resembled the corridors of the palace. They were obsidian, with wall affixed crystals providing light. The larger room contained a polished slab of the building material, levitating above the ground. The smaller one, a plush mat suspended by arcane tendrils that serviced as a bed.

An amethyst colored disk floated alongside the table. Ukin sat atop it and Araka and Lilly sat upon the floor. Littered across its polished surface were several scrolls and pieces of parchment. Araka curiously examined the nearest one for a brief moment.

"I don't want to abandon your people, Ukin", Lilly stated.

"Neither do I. We cannot allow Shatterspear to massacre them", Araka could envision the corpses littering the windswept plains.

"I do not want to leave my people at a disadvantage either. However, I believe we cannot convince Kriak and Vasha to prepare", Ukin said gravely.

"You advised them for years. Have they have been so stalwart in a belief before now", Araka wondered?

"Once, many years before now, they executed an assassin. The assassin was coerced, fearing that his beloved would be killed. I argued that we should assist him, but my rulers agreed to have him killed nonetheless."

"Would we be able to rally the warriors here ourselves. If their opinions cannot be swayed, then we must take action in their stead", Lilly realized something as she spoke.

Kriak and Vasha were as complacent as she once was. They have the ability to prevent tragedy but will not even entertain the idea of doing so. Several days ago, Lilly shared a mentality similar to them, and might have acted similarly in their stead.

"I have a better course of action. What Vasha and Kriak have chosen to do, I had done for years. I didn't prevent my father's acts of cruelty when I could have. When he began the war, I had been willing to participate. The reason I fled from my father was selfish, but my intentions are no longer. I will go to your rulers and share with them this, so guilt does not consume them, as it would have consumed me."

Ukin's watched the tigress with contemplating eyes. A glimpse into the woman's past had been revealed to him. The hawk wouldn't have behaved as Lilly had, but he was pleased with her recent actions.

"That is a noble plan, but what if it fails", asked the wise hawk?

Araka interjected with his own proposal, "I suspect the siblings will not allow us to command their warriors without their consent. However, we could spread word of the coming attack. The guards and citizens of this palace will not be caught unaware then."

"If they discover we have shared our information with the guards, at the very least we may no longer be welcome here" Ukin returned. His knowledge of the rulers was proving invaluable.

"Then we should be prepared to leave immediately", the tigress stated.

"It will take me several hours to gather the things most valuable to me. They are spread across the palace. I will be finished come morning when we will execute our plans", Ukin rose, groaning as he stretched his spindly legs.

His foot-talons rapped on the volcanic stone as he approached the door. He disappeared through the pulsating barrier across the threshold. It only allowed those he desired to enter and exit his chambers.

"You will convince them to prepare themselves for your father's arrival", Araka's words sought to diminish Lilly's doubts. Lilly was still concerned with Kriak and Vasha's personalities, but his words were still somewhat comforting.

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