The Meeting

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Lilly had been summoned from the pool to the encampment's war tent. Lilly entered and discovered Ironfang and Grasspaw were already in the presence of Shatterspear. The tiger smiled and beckoned his daughter closer.

She proceeded towards him, masking the nervousness coursing through her being. The young feline approached her father and came to stand beside him. The four present looked across a large map that bore a detailed visage of Drema.

A small wooden marker had been placed over top their location. The piece's surface was decorated with a red swath of paint. It symbolized their victory upon the map. Ironfang held several other pieces between the fingers of his massive hand-paw.

"We could march northeast from here. The stags tried to oppose us here and so we should conquer them first", suggested Grasspaw. He palmed his massive metal gauntlet in contemplation. Council was welcome until Shatterspear's choice was made.

"They might have challenged us, but they are not the greatest closest threat. The hawks and their magic pose many dangers and we cannot allow them to act before we do. They will learn of our efforts soon", Shatterspear explained his tactician's wisdom shining through.

Ironfang placed a small marker where the Whisperwind Palace was drawn. If Grasspaw and Ironfang objected to this course of action they dared not say it. Lilly wouldn't consider traveling anywhere with the intent to slaughter. She would disband their alliance and return the tigers to their home.

Lilly wouldn't be able to sway father's opinion. Questioning his choice would surely lead to the tigress's death. However, the warlord's daughter now knew where she wouldn't be able to venture to. If Shatterspear would lead his armies north, she would head south.

"We will depart in four days. By the time we arrive in the land of the hawks any injuries we sustained today will have healed. We will wipe their armies from this world", there was a gleeful tone in the tiger's voice. Shatterspear would relish in the feather flecked carnage.

"Convey this to your own forces", and once again, the two generals obeyed Shatterspear wordlessly. They marched from the tent and into the encampment.

The warlord turned to his daughter, prideful smile and hateful eyes radiating. He swiftly embraced his daughter, gently encircling her shoulders. He was overwhelmingly pleased with the number of combatants Lilly felled that day.

"You will be the first to receive this gift in our lineage. A testament to your prowess", he turned from his daughter. The massive feline cast his gaze towards a plush cushion. It sat upon the bare earth in a recess of the tent. Atop it sat a small wooden box scrolled with ornate designs.

He rounded the curved table, foot-paws falling upon the dusty ground as he walked. Shatterspear knelt before the pillow and retrieved the box. He returned to Lilly's side and presented the ornate vessel to her.

He hinged the iron clasp backwards revealing its contents. A crimson jewel wreathed in iron was affixed to a leather loop. Lilly was uncertain of its meaning. She had studied their ancient texts and knew her father was not rekindling an ancient tradition. He was creating a new one.

He placed the box, its lid still gaping, on the table's map covered surface. Shatterspear removed the necklace from its confines, the gem catching the light produced by the brazier. It glimmered a brief sanguine red before falling dark again.

"Present your back to me Tigerlilly. This blood stone necklace establishes you as a true warrior in our line. The descendants of my lineage will receive them forevermore. You are my first descendant", his voice shook with magnitude.

Lilly brought her auburn hair forward, exposing the nape of her neck. With deft, but monstrous hands her father encircled the tigress with the blood stone necklace. Shatterspear tied the leather strip into a fast knot.

Lilly turned to her father, incisors gleaming in a joyous facade. Shatterspear's pride increased, his smile stretching further. He caressed his daughter's cheek, his affection for the feline now visible.

"I love you my daughter."

The tigress was often unable to tell if Shatterspear truly cared for her. Once she abandoned her convictions he began displaying affection. Perhaps his love only existed while Lilly shared his aspirations and desires.

She did not possess any love for the warlord. His violent ways and traumatic abuses caused her love to bleed from her heart. There was little Shatterspear could do to regain his daughter's endearment. Abandoning this war was one way.

"I love you father. I am honored", she lied.

Still grinning monstrously, "Return to your tent. Recover from your injury. When we meet our new enemy on the battlefield, I know you will shatter many more skulls and rend more flesh."

Lilly still adorned a grotesque smile as she pivoted towards the entrance.  She fought the tremors that threatened to creep into her bones.  Discomfort crawled across her furry skin in waves.

The tigress only allowed her smile to slip away only once she had departed the tent. She now possessed valuable information and an undesirable trinket. If her shoulder healed before the fifth day she would be able to execute her plan.  

An uncomfortable sensation brewed within her stomach.  What if her injury didn't heal in time?

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