An Angry Summons

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Early morning sunlight streamed through the windows of halls. Its orange and yellow colors splashed upon the black stone. Lilly, Araka and Ukin passed through its embrace as they were escorted. Guards led them through the palace halls swiftly, their destination unknown.

A curved archway decorated with mysterious symbols came into view. It signified the entrance to the throne room. Araka, Ukin and Lilly wondered for what purpose they were being forcefully brought to the siblings.

Kriak's eyes were marred with sadness. Vasha wore her characteristically harsh visage.

The guards arranged themselves along the chamber's walls, as the three companions came to the center. Lilly knelt, followed by Araka and Ukin.

"You have attempted to undermine our authority", Vasha spat. "You are no longer welcome in our halls."

"I am sorry Ukin. I respect your newfound conviction, but you and your companions cannot remain in the Whisperwind Palace", the hawk's eyes were swollen with tears.

"How did you discover our machinations", Araka asked? The risks were obvious, but they were nonetheless overwhelmingly frustrated their plan had failed.

"A guard informed us of a rumor being spread amongst them. He confirmed our adviser and a crocodile were the sources", Kriak's voice wavered slightly as he spoke.

"Your people speak of pragmatism!", Araka transitioning from frustrated to angered. "The most logical course of action would still be to prepare."

"I am sorry, but our decision has been made."

"You must depart within the next hour. Our palace is no place for traitors and dissidents", there was almost a cruel malice to Vasha's words.

As Ukin, Araka and Lilly made their way from the throne room, Kriak allowed a tear to roll down his beak. It went unnoticed by Ukin.

There was no doubt in the former adviser's mind that Kriak was pained by the transpirings. He wondered if his other friend, Vasha felt sorrow. She had always masked her emotions well, as hawks often did.

Ukin had believed that throughout the conversation she would show loss. Instead all he felt was hatred. It was Ukin's turn to shed a tear, as Vasha and he had once been so close.

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