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"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" My alarm clock made it's usual annoying ring as the hands struck 7:00. I really need to turn it off now I'm on holiday, I thought to myself as I hit the snooze button and rolled back over, trying to get back to sleep.

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" Went my alarm clock after another 10 minutes,

"Alright! I'm up! I'm up!" I kicked off the covers and stood up, wiping sleep out of my eyes. I zombie-walked over to the mirror and surveyed myself in the shiny, reflective glass. My long, dirty blonde hair was standing up on end and my normally bright blue eyes were slightly faded. I padded to the bathroom, went to the sink, twisted the tap and let the water run untill it was cold. As I splashed the icy water on my face, I heard screeching and my friend, Gisela's, owl Py, crashed through my open bedroom window. Rubbing my face dry with a towl, I walked up to him and untied the piece of parchment tied to his leg. I unrolled it to see a letter, written in black ink;

Dear Lena,

I can't wait until term starts, we have so much pranking to do! I was wondering what day you are going to diagon alley to get your books and cauldren, we are going tommorrow (my wand needs fixing) so maybe we could meet up? anyway, let me know,

Gisela x

oh, wait, did I not introduce myself? sorry, my name is Lena Grandorge, and I'm a witch. I go to Hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry and Diagon alley is where you buy all your school stuff. I have a pet barn owl named Dunno and a black cat called lucky, also, I'm muggle born, that means that both my parents are non-magic. Anyway, where was I? oh right, the letter.

"MUM?!" I shouted down the stairs,

"YES HONEY?" She replied,





"AWESOME! THANKS MUM!" I ran back into my room, suddenly wide awake, and sat down at my desk. I grabbed a spare piece of parchment, my quill and ink and began to write a reply in my untidy scrawl.

Dear Gisela

mum said that tommorrow will work fine, so hopefully I'll see you then. I've got a few pranks up my sleeve for the start of term, I'll explain them to you tommorrow.

Lena x

I rolled up the note, tied it to Py's leg, fed him an owl treat and sent him flying out the window back to his owner. I stood up, yawned and flopped downstairs to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and buttered myself some toast.

"Morning Lena," Said my dad, looking up from his bowl of cereal,

"Morning" I replied, my mouth full. After breakfast I decided to go back to bed, this time making sure my alarm was off.

My eyes fluttered open, hours later, to see my mum gently shaking me awake by the arm.

"It's dinner time sweetie, you've slept the whole day."

"I'm not hungry"

"You need to eat,"

"No I don't! I'm perfectly healthy mum!"

"Fine, just this once, I'll let you stay in bed, but this is a one-time thing okay?"

"Okay." I whispered, already underneath the duvet.

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