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Shane looks at his reflection in the mirror, checking his tie once again before leaving through the front door and getting into his car, driving to the place he wished he wouldn't have to visit in a long, long time.

His eyes are red from crying, something he realizes most of the other people has in common with him as he reaches his destination. Everyone is silent, mourning, and he barely talks to any of them. He came there for one person and one person only. His hands grip onto a piece of paper in his hand, a letter she had written to him as a goodbye. The only thing was that back then, when she wrote it, she had no idea it would be the last one she would ever write.

Shane hadn't read it, not yet, but he was going to. He had just waited for the right time, when she was with him, close by.

As he glances into the nave of the church, he sees a black casket decorating the front of it, the delicate piece of wooden art being surrounded by exquisite flowers in red and white, two colors everyone who knew Alex could agree described her perfectly. Pure and innocent, yet full of life.

Sighting, Shane rubbed his chin before he sneaked into a hidden corner of the church and unfolded the paper Alex's boyfriend had given him. Taking in a deep breath, bracing himself for what he would see, he adverted his eyes on the letter and started reading, tears filling his eyes by the simple glance at the last piece she ever wrote.

Shane. He noticed her handwriting was different than he remembered and with a lump in his throat, he kept on reading.

I am sorry it has to be this way but there is nothing I can do to change what is going to happen. I know I have not been treating you right and for that, I am sorry, but I can not deny that the wound you created all those years ago still hurts. I am sorry and I know you are sorry too and I just wanted you to know that I forgive you.

I am leaving the past behind and what you did lies in the past. I am no longer mad at you and I hope you will understand why I acted the way I did. I have been through a lot, I wish my journey was over a long time ago, but it seems like it only keeps on going without an end. I am leaving with Nick, it is the right thing to do because if I do, my family and friends will be safe. My family and friends include you because believe it or not, but I consider you my friend and I hope you do the same.

Love, Alex

A few drops of salty tears have splattered the paper by the time Shane finish reading and he dry his eyes with the back of his hand before he put the letter in the pocket of his suit pants and by the time he gets back to the rest of the guests, it's time to go inside the nave and start the ceremony.

Shane recognizes a few faces but what really catches his attention is the guy sitting in the back with a police officer on each side of him. Nick.

Shane holds his stare as long as he can as he makes his way to one of the rows being places as far away from Nick as possible.

It's been nearly two weeks since the accident, since Nick accidentally pulled the trigger which caused the death of Alex. Of sweet, innocent and beautiful Alex Terres and Celiné Carpenter. Nick still can't understand that she is gone, that she won't come back. The guilt of what he did is slowly eating him up from inside but what is killing him, even more, is that he didn't get an answer from her. She was just about to tell him who she was gonna choose when her time ran out. He never got an answer. He loved her, he really did, but he realized it too late. He keeps thinking that maybe, if they would've met under other circumstances, she would've fallen in love with him for sure, he keeps playing the scenario in his head, over and over again, even though he knows it's no more than an illusion.

All of her friends were there, even the ones from America, and Nick followed every single person with his gaze as they entered the nave.

Everyone mourned the loss of Alex and it was all thanks to him she was gone. He kept telling himself that it was an accident but it didn't help, he still killed her. He'll never be able to find peace, not without the answer which is now long gone. But he isn't the only one who didn't get a real ending.

Her American friends, Lindsey, Patricia, and Parker, never even got to say goodbye and that is something they will always remember. They never even got the chance to say it because they didn't even get a warning that the time soon would be up. The three friends could be grateful for one thing though, and it was the great memories they had created together with Alex.

Alex's heart was too big for this world, the priest had said on the ceremony, and it was true. Alex was a human almost too perfect for the damaged world she lived in and every single one of the guest who attended her funeral wished and deeply hoped that she finally had found peace in a better place.

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