Chapter 39: Deadly Promises

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As soon as my hand connects with Nick's face, pain shoots up my arm and I yelp and curse before I force the feeling aside and focus on the anger and relief that is coursing through me.

Everything and everyone goes dead silent and for a while, all you can hear is the wind blowing through the trees. Kirk's low chuckle is the one thing that eventually breaks through the tension but I barely dare to breathe.

My eyes are focused on Nick and a lump is forming in my throat as he stares right back at me.

His eyes hold something I can't read, a feeling I can't figure out, and I realize I'm taking small steps backward as Nick does the opposite and slowly walks towards me. His face might as well be made out of stone because it's not changing nor showing any form of feeling at all.

I open my mouth to say something but I close it again as I don't figure out the right words to say.

I'm sorry? No. That would be a lie and he would know it.

You brought it upon yourself? As if that wouldn't be like adding more fuel to a fire.

I keep my mouth shut while my legs bring me further and further away from the group of people who are watching Nick and me as if we would be the main characters in a theatre play.

I don't allow myself to take my eyes off of Nick but I mentally curse as my back hits something hard that prevents me from moving further.

Nick's lips curl upwards into a smirk, the first sign of emotion since I punched him, and I allow myself to rip my gaze off of him for a slight second to look behind me at the tree that is standing in my way. I realize it was a mistake when it's too late to change it.

As I look back at Nick, he has taken one long stride toward me and he is standing barely an inch away from me, our bodies almost touching and his breath fanning my face.

I try to get away, go past him, but he put his arms in the way, his fists resting on each side of my head.

I gulp, not sure about what is going to happen, but I prepare myself for a hard blow. My gaze is now glued to my feet, my heart having a marathon inside my chest, but I don't allow myself to be frightened.

If Nick hurts me now, I'll fight back.

The blow, however, never comes and eventually, I dare to lift up my chin slightly to peek at Nick.

His dark orbs meet my blue ones and his breath hits my face like a warm wind.

My whole body jump out of a reflex when he suddenly makes a move that catches me by complete and utter surprise.

My hands reach up to hit him, to fight back, before I've even registered what he's doing but my attempt failed nevertheless.

He pressed his body against mine, his hands now pinning my own down by my sides, and instead of feeling a blow to my stomach or face, I'm met by the common feeling of lips being placed on my own.

I'm shocked and at first, I don't know how to react. Nick kisses me harshly and eagerly, as if I'm something delicate he never tasted before, and I try to puzzle his actions together but it's impossible. It doesn't make sense at all.

His tongue licks my bottom lip before he impatiently bites it instead in order to gain access to my mouth.

I still don't understand.

Why doesn't he hit me?

I'm almost more scared now than I would be if he actually did hit me.

"Oh, gorgeous", he says, panting, as his lips leave mine in order to let him breathe, "maybe it's time."

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