Chapter 32: Revenge

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"Sweetie, you wanted a ride to the mall?" Martha asks me, peeking her head in through my door.

"Yeah", I tell her as I put on a skull sweater and fix the collar on the white shirt with silver studs I wear underneath it.

"You look surprisingly dressed up", Martha smiles at me, "any reason?"

Yes, I'm going out with Nathaniel.

"No, I just felt like wearing something nice today, after all, I did have to nag at you to buy me this shirt", I tell her and examine myself in the mirror for the last time before I follow her outside and into the car.

I haven't got rid of the nagging feeling in my stomach I got yesterday when Shane punched Nick but I texted him earlier this morning and so far, everything is still alright with him. So far.

Martha was going to the mall today and I took the opportunity to ride with her there since it is a good place for Nathaniel and me to meet. I texted him when and where I would be today and I would've called him if it wasn't for the cameras in my house. Call me silly or stupid but I still haven't found them.

I small talk with Martha until we reach the mall where we part. She asks me if I want a ride back home later but I tell her I take the bus and then hurry to meet Nathaniel, who is waiting in his own car on another floor of the garage.

"That took time", is the first thing he says as I slip into the passenger seat when I finally spotted his blue car.

"Missed me?" I smirk and he eyes me from head to toe and nod.

"You have no idea."

His eyes linger on my lips and I playfully roll my eyes before I lean in and kiss him.

"You don't have to ask for permission", I chuckle as our lips part and he put his hand on my lower back and tower himself over me.

"But apparently, I have to book a time to meet you", he says and I sigh and look into his eyes.


"Schhh", he cuts me off by placing a finger over my lips, "save the excuses to someone who cares. You're here now, that's all that matters."

I smile and playfully bite his finger and he pulls it back with a surprised expression.


"I'm not gonna say sorry", I smirk, "since someone told me to save the excuses to someone who cares."

He gives me a playful glare and pretends to calm himself down.

"Oh", he tells me in a slow and dangerous voice, "you're in for it."

Since his body is towering over me, I can't get out of his way and before I know it, his hands are everywhere, roaming my body with his slim fingers.

A laugh bubble up my throat as he keeps tickling me and I try to push his hands away but he locks my own hands in an iron grip with one of his own hands and keeps poking my sides with his other.

"P-p-le... P-please", I say between my laugh. Tears are starting to form in my eyes because of how much I laugh and Nathaniel seems to notice as well because suddenly, he stops.

"Oh, baby", he taunts me, "are you... crying?"

I stick my tongue out at him in a sign of protest and he quickly leans in and licks it and I shriek in disgust.


"Stop being a baby", he chuckles and I try to keep my face serious but fail.

"How come I am even here?"

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