Chapter 36: Hotter Than Fire

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The world outside the car window passes by in a blur. All I can make out is the colors; green and grey and black.

I know for a fact that Nick is driving over the speed limit but honestly, I don't think he cares at all. The police are probably chasing us and even though I want them to get us, I think Nick is going to say the complete opposite.

I ran out of tears an hour ago and now, all I'm left with is an aching heart. It feels like my body is numb, it feels like I'm dreaming, but I do know that this is the reality. I won't wake up, screaming and crying, realizing it's all been a really bad nightmare. I'm not that lucky.

Running away from the reality won't help me, not this time, because Nick won't go away. It doesn't matter how many times I close my eyes and hope he'll be gone when I open them up again. It doesn't matter how deeply and truly I hope and wishes for him to be gone because he'll still stay.

I can't run away from my problem because Nick is my problem and he's holding me back, preventing me from even getting the chance to escape.

The sun has disappeared behind the horizon a long time ago, leaving the road in a dim light from the lampposts we pass.

I've been keeping an eye on the road, hoping to memorize it and keep in mind where we are, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to use the information since Nick took my phone and threw it out of the window a long time ago.

There are no other cars on the road either, causing me to feel more alone than ever.

I can feel the exhaustion from today's events turning my eyelids heavy but I'm too shaken up to be able to sleep.

Mom and dad are at least okay, that's the most important thing right now. I've survived a kidnapping before, I can do it again. I hope.

"I would suggest you go to sleep", Nick says all of a sudden for the first time since we got onto the road, "but we're almost there."

"Where?" I find myself asking, my voice empty of all emotions.

Nick glances over at me quickly before he turns his eyes back on the road. "Somewhere the police won't find us", he replies.

I thoughtfully bite my bottom lip but I don't say anything else and silence is once again falling over the car until we pull into a side road. The lampposts disappear and everything outside is black, the only light source coming from the car's headlamps. Soon enough, the car comes to a halt completely and Nick steps outside without a word. Now, everything is pitch black since Nick took out the car key as well and when I suddenly hear something tap on my window, I practically jump out of my skin as a frightened and surprised scream escapes my lips.

Nick chuckles at my reaction as he opens my door, grabbing my hand and dragging me up.

"I didn't know you were that easy to scare."

"I'm in the middle of nowhere with a psychopathic kidnapper who has threatened and almost killed some of the most important people in my life. I'm sorry if I might be a little tense", I mutter, allowing the anger that has suddenly bubbled up inside of me to make its presence known.

"Oh, gorgeous", Nick sighs and I can almost hear the smirk on his lips, "you never fail to amaze me. I thought you would be quiet and terrified, just like you've been for the past hour."

"Well", I shrug, "I realized I didn't want to give you that pleasure."

Or, to be frank, I just realized that it could've been worse. I might be in hell but my friends aren't and that's what made me start thinking. Instead of crying and being sad, I've had enough of that now, I should think about the positive things about the messed up situation I'm in. My friends and family aren't hurt, at least not physically, and if they are alright, I can be too.

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