Chapter 26: Cup Of Joy

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I glance at Alex who is still sleeping, her head resting on my chest, although the sun is shining straight on her cute face. Slowly, I lift her up a little bit, putting her head on her pillow instead, and sneak out of bed. I go down to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast for both her and I. As I open the fridge to take out what I need to make waffles, I catch a glimpse of Zeke in the living room. He sits on the couch with his laptop on his lap and he stares at the screen with a concentrated face. As some of the waffle's batter is in the waffle iron, I walk up to Zeke and look over his shoulder to read the screen.

Immediately, I understand what it is he is working on.

"Any luck yet?" I ask him and, to my surprise, he nods his head.

"Yeah, actually. I've found someone who can help us, with some money in return of course, and it seems like he's far away from being an amateur as well. He knows what he is doing", Zeke says and I smirk.

"Just like we need."

"Just like we need", Zeke repeats, "and we might, if we are even luckier, be able to get it over with next week."

"Finally", I say and chuckle before going back to the kitchen and continue making waffles, slicing up some fruit pieces as well, until the batter is gone.

I place two plates with waffles on a tray, with the fruit and some berries on the side, alongside with two glasses of orange juice and walk up the stairs to my bedroom again.

Alex is still asleep and I smile at the sight of her before I put the tray down on one of the nightstands and sit beside Alex on the bed.

"Time to wake up, sunshine", I whisper in her ear and she mumbles something incoherent and turns her back to me. I laugh at her before I place a hand on her shoulder and gently shake her instead. Finally, her eyes flutter open and it seems as she has a hard time focusing her stare somewhere and as she does, she groans and closes her eyes again.

"Go away", she groans and I shake my head even though she can't see me.

"That's not the way to treat the guy who made you breakfast", I say and her eyes open once again, although it seems like she rather would stay fast asleep.

"I'm not hungry", she says, "but I wouldn't say no to some painkillers, this headache is killing me." She rubs her temples and motions towards the tray of food, where I also have put two painkillers.

"I've already thought about that. Now, get up and eat. I didn't prepare it all for nothing."

Reluctantly, she sits up. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say", she mutters but she let me place the tray in front of her. Immediately, she picks up the painkillers and swallows them with some orange juice before I manage to convince her to eat some of the waffles as well.

We eat in silence and I don't even try to hide the stare I keep on Alex.

Her makeup is smeared out, her hair is beyond messy and blue bags cover the place underneath her eyes and still, she looks hot.

"Stop staring", she finally says and I smirk but remain quiet.

As we're done eating, I take the tray and put it on the floor. I'll take care of it later.

Alex stumbles out of bed, looking pretty much like a zombie, and slowly make her way towards the door.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" she asks me, sounding really tired. "I'm going to take a shower."

Her question surprises me, never did I think she would willingly wear my clothes, but I quickly recover and take out a big t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from my wardrobe and give it to her. I don't think she has woken up fully yet because she barely manages to keep the clothes in her hands as she makes her way to the bathroom.

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