Chapter 23: Sleeping Beauty

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"Why?" I question myself out loud for at least the tenth time. "Why is he doing this to me? I trusted him and this is what I get back in return?" I scream out in frustration and throw the pillow, that I've been hugging for the past twenty minutes, across the room. It hits the wall with a thud and falls to the floor, I let it stay there.

I came home from the 'walk' with Jamie about half an hour ago and I'm just beginning to warm up on the inside and something tells me that the anger that is coursing through my veins help speeding up the process.

I didn't ride with Jamie back home. No, I was too angry with what he'd said, about me or him telling Nathaniel, and I've practically shouted at him that he couldn't do that, that he couldn't force me between the two choices. When he'd stared at me with his puppy eyes and refused to budge, I stomped off and ignored his shouting about me coming back and that he just wanted to help me.

I called Sabrina, who thankfully picked me up and dropped me off at home without asking any questions, and now I'm here. In my room. Alone and angry.

My phone has been ringing as well for the past half an hour along with some almost constant beepings, which signals that I've received multiple text messages. I haven't checked a single one of them. My phone lies on my bedside table, the screen facing the hard wooden surface.

I sit curled up in my bed and hug my legs now that I don't have my pillow anymore. I don't know how much time that passes, I get too caught up in my own thoughts, in my own thoughts that swirl around in my head and cause a small headache to welcome itself to plant in my temples.

Slowly, after each minute that passes, the headache grows stronger and stronger and eventually, I sigh and stand up, my feet leading me to my bathroom.

I take out an aspirin from the cabinet and swallow it with some water and as I feel it slip down my throat, I caught a glance at myself in the mirror.

My eyes look tired and my hair is out of place and I decide to take a quick shower. Normally, if I think back three months ago, I would've loved to take a long, relaxing bath at times like this but no, Nick had to ruin that.

I can't even enjoy a normal hot shower for freaking sake, no matter how silly it may sound.

Quickly, to get it over with, I strip out of my clothes and jump into the shower. I shampoo and condition my hair in a matter of minutes and after cleaning my body with a coconut scented soap I step out again and wrap a blue towel around my slim body. I dry my hair as much as I possibly can with another towel before I open the bathroom door to find some clean clothes to put on.

I put on one of my big sleeping shirts, with a motive of Mickey Mouse, along with a pair of black and white plaid pajamas shorts.

Water drop down from my hair onto the floor and I quickly fix it into a messy, wet and utterly ugly bun on my head. Let's just say that I'll need a hair straightener for sure if I want it to be decent looking tomorrow.

Just as I'm coming out of the bathroom again, after hanging up the wet towel, I hear a knock on my door. I furrow my eyebrows and walk over to it and slowly push down the handle.

"Dinner's ready, sweetheart", Marta smiles at me from the almost closed door and I let out a small laugh as I push it wide open.

"I'll be down in a sec", I tell her and walk into my room to put on my slippers before walking down the staircase and entering the kitchen.

A grilled chicken, along with bread and salad, is placed on the table and I don't waste a second and practically run to my seat. The sight of the food made my stomach rumble and I could feel the hunger starting to gnaw on me from my inside.

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