Chapter 2: Changes

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It's been two months since I finally escaped from Nick. Two months of freedom, and let me tell you that it hasn't been sunlight and rainbows all over it, more like the opposite. I thought that once it all was over, I would finally be free and go on with my life, but the fact that Nick, Zeke, and Vince still are on the loose backfired my plan, my dream.

I've been forced to move from the U.S.A to England and now I'm starting - building up - a new life.

I'm no longer staying with Carol, Brian and Lottie, but with my biological parents Martha and Roland.

Let me tell you that leaving my friends is the hardest thing I've ever done, even harder than pulling the trigger to the gun that shot Nick, because my friend is the most important thing I have. Lindsey, to be exact, is the one who keeps me over the surface as the memories from the kidnapping washes over me and threatens to drag me down into a depression, but with her help, I've been strong and moved on. What's in the past will stay there and as I've said before, I'm not one of these people who dwells in the past and now, I live by the same motto as Nathaniel; live in the moment.

When I say that I'm building up a new life for myself, I'm not kidding.

I'm not even Alex Terres anymore. I'm not that girl who dyes her hair black and got kidnapped and shot someone, even though that someone is a heartless monster.

Now, I'm Celiné Carpenter. My black hair has turned blonde, my red lipstick has been thrown in the trashcan, and my wardrobe has gotten a new makeover as well.

I'm no longer the girl who goes from one foster care to another, but the girl whose parents is rich and own a successful business.

Before you get any ideas, don't think I've changed completely. I'm still the same person on the inside, nothing has changed except for my looks. I didn't even change my appearance for the sake of keeping my true identity hidden. I did it because I knew Nick liked my black hair and red lipstick and therefore I got rid of it. I've gotten rid of everything that reminds me of Nick, even one of my favorite band shirts since he gave me one of his from the same band. As I got home and saw the shirt, it brought back unwanted memories and in order to move on and forget about the past, I have to get rid of everything that comes in the way.

I didn't think the kidnapping would affect me as much as it has. I still can't take baths and I've developed a phobia for water. I'm hydrophobic, thanks to Nick.

I didn't think one single bad memory with water could create such a fear inside of me. Even I think it's silly in one way because I can't even sit in a bathtub with water, scared that I won't be able to breathe if my head comes under the surface for only the slightest second.

I guess life is full of surprises, sadly not only good ones.

Leaving my friends was one really bad surprise but at the same times, meeting Nathaniel was the complete opposite.

I still remember the first time I saw him, on my first day in this new English school, and only the sight of him made me roll my eyes. I've still not got rid of that habit.

He walked through the hallway, his light brown hair messily styled, his muscles defined under his shirt, and a confident smug smile playing at the corner of his lips, like if he owned the world and knew it.

Of course, he didn't own the world and still doesn't, but the smug smile still remains on his perfectly sculpted face.

I told myself to stay away from him, to not look at any guy in a way other than friendly, but after being paired up with him in my science class, I told myself otherwise.

I thought Nathaniel was one of these arrogant, cocky and stupid jerks who play around with every girl in school, but as we worked together, he proved me wrong - but only on the last part, he is still cocky and arrogant.

With Nick still fresh in my mind, I didn't think I could fall for anyone, let alone someone with similar personality to Nick - except for the psycho part - but I did.

I fell head over heels for Nathaniel and the feeling was mutual.

The thought of what I first thought about my current boyfriend makes me smile and I take a sip of the tea in my hand.

It's seven o'clock in the morning, and I'm sitting in the dining room all alone, munching on some cereals and sipping on my hot green tea.

Martha and Roland are both at work, leaving me all on my own in the house that's also my new home.

In an attempt of getting rid of the silence that seems to hang over the house like a dark cloud, I have put on the stereo on high volume. Currently, the song 'As A Butterfly' by 'Dead by April' is blasting through the speakers and by the time the song comes to an end, I drink up the last of my tea and put my dishes in the sink before walking upstairs to my room to get dressed.

Due to my new school and much to my dismay, I am required to wear a school uniform.

I quickly change clothes from what I've slept in and button up my white blouse before looking at myself in my full-length mirror.

I grimace at my reflection and fix my dull purple tie striped with dark blue and grey.

The tie gives me a feeling of being choked, the blouse and black blazer are both uncomfortable and the skirt itches. I don't even like the shoes for freaking sake, it feels like stepping with clogs. The one and only thing I don't dislike with the uniform is the black knee socks, the least important thing of all.

I've learned that it's just to bite the bullet and accept it. I've already been warned by the principal twice because I wore my skirt up to high. I didn't even do it to get attention, it's just that it works as a waist skirt as well and it looks a hell of a lot better as that in my opinion.

I hate being told what to do and wear, and that's the biggest reason to why I hate the uniforms. I think that it's an untold rule about the amount of makeup you're allowed to wear too, but I honestly don't give a flying fish about that.

I'm not allowed to swear either, and not only in school but at home too. As soon as I utter a bad word, Martha or Roland is there to tell me off. Oh, the joy of being told what to do, isn't it just amazing?

Sighting, I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my makeup. Since I'm almost sure of that the principal has decided to label me as a troublemaker, I do as most of the days - put on heavier makeup than I usually would do.

I paint my eyes dark, and I do not hold back on the amount of eyeshadow and eyeliner, and then I reach to the counter to take the lipstick that's mostly been replacing my red one.

I take the lid off and start smearing it onto my plump lips, which immediately turns solid black.

Rebelling with the makeup is the only thing I can do at the moment when it comes to being myself at school because as I've been told off by the principal for wearing my skirt 'wrong', I've also been told off for wearing too much jewelry.

I'll only say five words about that.

I miss my old school.

Why can't I just be able to be myself?

I'm not allowed to say what I want.

I'm not allowed to wear what I want.

I'm not even allowed to be called by my real name for freaking sake!

It's like being stuck with Nick, except for the fact that he isn't here. I do wonder though, where is he?

As if on cue, my phone beeps, telling me I have one new text message.

From: Unknown

Hello, gorgeous.

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