Chapter 9: Heartbroken

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C'mon, Alex, I think for myself, you can do this.

Taking a deep breath, breathing in the cold fresh air from the outside of my school, I slowly make my way towards the entrance. It feels like it was only a few minutes ago that I practically went off at Nick in the girls' bathroom and not yesterday, and I do know for sure that I'm not ready to see his face again, to confront him and his anger.

But it's not like what I think matters, not when someone named Nick is involved.

I walk to my locker and leave my jacket and bag and pick up the essential supplies I'll need for my English class and then I head towards the classroom.

I get in a few minutes early and notice that neither Nathaniel nor any other of my friends have arrived, and I choose an empty seat in the middle row, with no one on either side of me. Hoping that someone of my friends will arrive soon, the blood in my veins runs freezing cold when two of most despicable people I know walks through the door instead.

I try to sink down into my seat, hiding behind the head of the girl in front of me.

Nick lifts his chin up, like if he is looking for something, and his eyes land on me and I curse inwardly as he strides towards me.

I quickly grab my stuff and scoot back my chair, standing up just in time for Nick to take the seat beside me, blocking one of my two ways out in the progress. Spinning around, I find myself facing the chest of Vince and I bit my lip, contemplating on whether to create a scene in order to get out or not.

Vince raises one of his eyebrows in a questioning gesture, silently asking me if I really want to draw attention to myself.

Biting my lip, I slowly sink back into my chair and put my stuff back in place at the desk.

I can see Nick smirk from the corner of my eye, but I refuse to look at him, or Vince for that sake as well. Instead, I keep my face focused straightforward.

Eventually, Nathaniel's - in my eyes perfect- face appears in the doorframe leading into the classroom and I flash him a smile, but somehow, I don't think he sees me.

His facial expression is emotionless and I try to catch his attention, but it's like I'm invisible and he just takes a place in the front row without giving me a single glance.

I furrow my eyebrow in confusion and Nick leans in closer towards me to whisper in my ear.

"Trouble in paradise?" he smiles and I glance at him and scoff.

"Like if you would care", I say in a low voice, not wanting anyone else to listen to our conversation. Nick only smiles at me in return, for once giving me a real smile instead of a smirk. I sigh and am just about to turn back from him when something behind him catches my attention. Nathaniel has turned his face towards us and is currently staring at us with his jaw clenched and his eyes cold. However, he looks away as soon as he notices that I've caught him staring. What's up with him? Maybe he's just jealous, I try to convince myself, and if that's the case, I can assure that he has no reason to be.

It doesn't take long before the remaining students enter the classroom, shortly followed by the teacher that soon enough starts lecturing about the history of literature. Halfway through the lesson, I feel something on my thigh.

Glancing down, I notice it is Nick's hand and I immediately slap it away, only to find him replacing it back seconds later. I slap his hand away again and repeat the procedure at least four times before Nick, instead of taking his hand back, grabs mine.

I bite myself in my lip in frustration and tug at my hand, trying to get it out of his grip as discreetly as possible, but it only results in him holding even tighter.

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