Epilogue - This Is Heaven

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I didn’t get any messages, and since I began my collection of destiel one shots, I thought I would just give you some closure and write an epilogue. The title seems to put a close on the question of the title and I think it is time that some good happens. Enjoy.


“Fancy.” Dean whispered as he eyed the small Christmas tree placed delicately in the corner of Bobby’s bunker.

Cas squeezed his hand and picked at the ugly Christmas sweater Dean had bought for him. “I don’t understand this ritual. Putting a tree inside, what does it even have to do with Jesus?”

Dean snorted and pulled Cas into a light kiss. “It’s just tradition. Enjoy it.”

Cas smiled against Dean’s lips and nodded. “Okay, I guess it has it’s charms.”

The front door burst open and a shivering snow covered Samkiel waltzed in with bags almost ripping her arms off. Sam soon followed with a gigantic grin and ridiculous moose antlers that jingled excessively with each step he took.

“Merry Christmas!” Sam yelled as he dropped some of the grocery bags on the couch and pulled Cas and Dean in for a giant bear hug. “Can you believe we made it for another Winchester Christmas?”

“Not really.” Dean let out a soft chuckle and squeezed his brother before pulling back and standing hand in hand with Cas.

Samkiel took the bags toward the kitchen. “All he talked about on the way over was this eggnog. I have never ever had it and it sounds disgusting.” She called over her shoulder as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Sam rolled his eyes and set his hands on his hips. “The woman just gets me.”

Cas let out a laugh as he let go of Dean’s hand and started for the kitchen. “I will help her get all our snacks and beverages ready. Gabe should be here any minute.”

Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to the tree. “Who invited that asswipe?”

“You did.” Sam chuckled again. He had never felt better as he took a place beside Dean and slung an arm over his shoulder. They both watched the dancing lights on the tree. “No gas station presents and year old eggnog this year.”

Dean smirked and leaned against his brother. “No. We have the real deal this year.”

“Winchester Christmas.” Gabriel’s mocking tone came from behind them. “And to think I skipped Christmas in the playboy mansion for this.”

They bother turned and embraced their trickster brother. Gabriel gagged as he let them hug him and even wrapped his own arms up over their shoulders. When they all pulled back and stood in kind of a circle, Gabriel glanced at the tree and whistled.

“This is what we saved humanity for.” He muttered and a candy cane appeared in his hand. He began to suck on it as he took a seat on the couch and propped up his legs on the end table. “What a marvelous time of the year.”

“Gabe?” Samkiel called from the kitchen. “Is that you?”

“Yes, your highness, it is I!” Gabriel called and winked at the brothers. “I have graced you with my presence.”

“Shut up, you old oaf!” Castiel screamed. “You love it here with us and you know it!”

“How is the tricking business going?” Sam asked as he took a seat in a chair.

Gabriel shrugged. “As good as it always was. Found a beautiful little woman who by day is a nun, but by night sleeps around town like there aren’t enough beds in the world to make her comfortable. Having a lot of fun with that one.”

Dean shook his head as he sat on the opposite end of the couch. He watched and listened to his family. This is what their whole lives have led to. Sitting around with snow falling outside and a light fire burning in their fireplace.

Castiel walked in with a tray of some holiday assortment of cookies and set it down on the end table. He smiled gingerly at Sam and Gabe before almost skipping over and sitting down beside Dean, pulling them together in a light cuddle.

Gabe rolled his eyes. “God, you two are gross. This is why I never visit.”

“Some day you will find the right guy.” Cas winked at him and chuckled as he felt Dean’s hand wrap protectively around his waist.

Gabe scoffed. “I don’t swing that way, brother. I much prefer my big breasted women. I am a lone wolf by nature. No one can tame this.”

“No one would want to.” Sam laughed.

Samkiel made her way in wearing a gorgeous red dress and carrying a carton of the eggnog Sam had found on sale. She set it on the end table by the cookies with a handful of solo cups. Then she plopped herself on Sam’s lap and leaned back against him.

“One happy family.” Gabe said, this time with no mocking or false tones.

“Actually.” Samkiel grinned widely and squeezed Sam’s hand. “We have some news.”

Dean held his breath as Cas tensed a little. Gabriel turned his full attention to his sister and raised his eyebrows.

“We are having a baby!” Samkiel almost screamed.

“Holy shit!” Dean’s lips turned up in a painful grin as he watched the glow come over his brother’s face.

“Congratulations!” Cas almost squealed. “A baby Winchester!”

“Another pesky little rugrat running around.” Gabriel scoffed lightly, a smile broken over his own face.

Sam and Samkiel went on to talk about their plans of finding a bigger house, one close by. The evening went with nothing but smiles and laughs. A supernatural world dissolving from their minds as their lives moved on. Dean held to Cas tightly and imagined them adopting a child of their own. The place they had bought was big enough, and Dean wanted to see the parent Cas would become. Funny how broken their lives had seemed only a year before, with death around every corner. But now, they had everything and all the evils in the world seemed like childish games and long forgotten nightmares.

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