Chapter Four - Warmth Under the Trench Coat

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"Hey, Cas, what's up bud?" Sam asked as he peered over his breakfast plate of omelettes. he wasn't expecting to see tier old friend so quickly after his talk with Dean.

He shrugged and took a light seat across from Sam. But he has this insane glow about him that Sam couldn't deny.

"Where is Dean and Bobby?" Cas asked as he reached over and took a tiny fallen piece of the omelette and shoved it in his mouth.

"Dean hasn't come down yet and Bobby is out working on one of his old trucks. Dean said last night we would be waking bright and early to track down the werewolf." Sam rolled his eyes. "But alas the lazy bastard is still sleeping."

"May I tag along?" Cas was struck with a horrible image of a werewolf tearing Dean to pieces.

Sam shrugged as he forked another bite of his omelette and ate it. "I'm guessing you worked things out with Dean..."

Cas nodded and tried to hide his gigantic smile. "We are good now. I think I should be close in case that demon comes." He would gladly rip every last demon to shreds to protect Sam and Dean.

"Go ahead. It's just a werewolf." Sam grumbled remembering his past experience with the species.

"Nothing is just an anything anymore. Everything is an agent of Lucifer." Cas felt his blood boil with the thought of Lucifer's plan with Dean.

"Calm down... Jeez. We can handle it." Sam rolled his eyes and continued to eat his warm breakfast.

Cas didn't continue with his ramblings. He let it go for now because he was afraid that Sam was reading his over protectiveness toward Dean. Maybe one day they could happily walk down the street holding hands. Maybe the world would let them.

Part 2

"GODDAM IT!" Dean screeched as he slammed on the impala's breaks. "Sonoffabiatch!!!"

A deer lightly darted across the road into the ominous woods that they feared held the mythical creature.

"Maybe you shouldn't be speeding." Cas remarked from the middle of the back seats.

"Maybe you should let me do the driving." Dean snapped as he hooked a sharp right turn.

Cas glared into the rear view mirror until Dean noticed and blushed with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Cas. I am just running in fumes and I just want to kill this thing already."

Sam raised an eyebrow toward Dean then looked over his shoulder to see a childishly grinning Cas. "What the hell-I never get apologizes after you snap at me. That's must've been some talk you two had."

Dean blushed which made sam even more suspicious. But Dean gave him a listless shrug. "He is the one who raised me from perdition. I owe him respect."

Cas immediately blushed thinking of Dean on his knees. He cleared his throat and looked out the window at the trees speeding past him.

"Respect." Sam mocked. "I'm your brother."

"Which means I can be an ass to you and you'll love me anyway." Dean chuckled and pulled the impala to a clean stop on the side of a road that trailed the woods.

"Fuck you." Sam let out a subtle laugh and opened his door to the muggy air that soon surrounded and choked their lungs.

Cas stood from the car and watched Dean exit slower than those two. When their eyes met, Dean winked with a smirk which lit Cas' entire face. Subtle, but it was this small act that made a warmth beat in Cas' chest under all his layers.

"Cas, let's get moving." Dean walked past him and nudged his side with his elbow. "We got a werewolf to kill."

Part 3

"This is disturbingly boring." Cas mumbled from behind the tree the three of them were using as a guard.

"Calm down and be patient. This is where we think it's den is. Won't be long now before it comes sniffy for its bed." Dean knelt down farther and watched the outline of Cas' face from the moonlight. He wanted to tell him how beautiful and gorgeous he looked but he bit his tongue and looked back at out the silent woods.

"What if-" Cas started before he was interrupted by a loud snapping stick not to far from their hide out. He quieted instantly and shrank back beside Dean. He wanted to hold his arm out to protect his precious human, but he held himself together.

"It's about twenty feet out." Sam whispered as he drew a gun from behind him. Cas already knew of the silver bullet laying in the mechanics of the pistol.

"Be careful." Cas whispered so lightly Dean almost denies hearing it. But deep within him he knew he had said it. He was looked after.

Dean gritted his teeth and felt the adrenaline of the hunt course through his veins. He was in the mode to kill. He signaled Sam and they both jumped from tier position. Cas had tripped on a root and fallen face first into a shrub. He groaned and sat up with a daze. He cursed himself for being such a clumsy idiot.

A gunshot rang out among the woods. It echoed on for what seemed like hours. Cas felt his heart drop when he thought of the bullet hitting Dean. Then he heard the shouting.

"SHOOT HIM AGAIN!" Deans panicked voice roared to life in the woods in from of Cas' face.

"HE IS HURT FOLLOW THE BLOOD!" Sam screeched in dismay.

Cas listened carefully and honed in his special hearing. He heard the wolf's deep breathing. It was whimpering so low Cas could almost feel the warm slobbering breath on his ears. He stood tall with his blue tie and trench coat. His eyes narrowed and he walked softly to where this beast was taking solace.

"Here little wolfey. Come out to play. No more will you threaten my hunter." Cas kept his voice low and menacing. He wanted the wolf to run. He wanted to chase it and maul it. The angel in him never turned down a good dirty fight.

A snarl broke loose to his left just below the shrub line. Cas smiled softly and turned on the heel of his foot. Staring intently into his own oceanic eyes, were eyes the color of molten lava.

"Dont move." Dean was standing behind Cas, he had found the wolf and was now terrified that Cas walked right in the middle.

"Dean, look away." Cas kept his stare with the wolf and spoke with a low tone.


But Cas took a step forward which triggered the wolf to jump in fright. It's claws were daggers and found a snag along Cas' right arm. But he barely noticed. He gripped his hand around the head of the wild before it could retract its hand and away again. The ugly snarls intensified as Cas pinches his head and twisted until a sickening crunch echoed among the pines. Dean gasped as Cas tore the head and tossed it a few feet from the bleeding body.

"Oh my God." Dean watched the blood pour from the head a moment longer before he looked up to find Cas turned and staring at him.

He closed his jaw and checked Cas over for any injury. When his eyes fell on the bloody sleeve of the trench coat, a searing hot pocket of pain hit him in the chest. Without wondering where Sam was, Dean rushed to Cas and inspected the arm intently.

"Do you feel okay? Woozy?" Dean's voice shook as he traced the blood stain and tugged on the fabric to get a good look at what the damage was.

"Dean, I am fine. You are aafe. Job well done." He smiled proudly at Dean as awaited praise.

Dean stares up at Cas with a blank stare. "No. This is not a job well done. Going rogue and scaring the shit out of me is not a job well done. You are bleeding. Job not well done. Don't ever do that again."

Cas' smile dropped. "I am sorry, Dean, I thought I helped."

Dean took a deep breath and held to Cas' arm. "I don't like seeing you hurt. You need to be more careful."

Cas nodded. "For you, I will." Cas looked down at his bloody sleeve and felt once again the pumping warm life that flowed just under the surface of his trench coat.

"Thank you." Dean gave Cas a loving smile before he dropped his arm.

"Hey!" Sam ran out from behind a tree with a pale face as deep breathing. His eyes fell on the werewolf head and carcuss. "What the hell happened here?"

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