Chapter Five - Minor Injuries

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"I don't need a hospital." Cas groaned as the impala flew past a stop sign.

"You aren't healing, which means your angelic power of healing must've have transferred to your new state of being." Sam wanted to pull his laptop out and research, but frankly this was the first case in the universe. No other angel had ever gotten to keep the soul and the Grace.

"Then just a little patch work. I am not stepping into a hospital." There was still too many bitter memories of hospitals for Cas to go near one now.

"Cas-" Dean started with a harsh plea.

"He's right, they won't have a name on record or anything. It doesn't look that bad. We have gotten hurt worse and survived." Sam watched Dean carefully now.

Dean sighed low. He couldn't stand the thought that Cas was bleeding even now as he drove. "Do we still have a first aid at Bobby's?"

"I'm pretty sure." Sam was still watching the way Dean's eyes were becoming more watery.

"Then we will go there." He said it so harshly that Cas shrank a little in the backseat.

San realized what was happening. Dean was almost crying over Cas' hurt arm. He was desperate enough to take him to a hospital, when they didn't even go. And above it all, Dean had said nothing about Cas getting blood in his baby. When Sam was hurt, Dean would bitch the entire time that he better not get blood on the car. But now they sat in a silence, and Dean hunched anxiously over the wheel. Cas wasn't even hurting that badly. Sam squinted his eyes at the road ahead and felt he needed to find what was happening between these two.

Part 2

Dean watched Cas' eyes as he put the peroxide tag gently against his arm. Cas winced and sucked in his breath which caused Dean to frown and dab lighter.

"How is this helping?" Cas groaned from the intense little pricks of the medicine.

"If it hurts, it works." Dean muttered and started to scrap some of the dried blood.

Sam was out with Bobby in the garage looking at a case a hunter had dumped on Bobby. Now, Dean and Cas were locked in a bathroom alone. Cas had taken his coat and button down shirt off so they could inspect the injury. Dean was trying his hardest not to look at Cas' chest under the form fitting white tank.

"I'm sorry again, Dean. I wasn't thinking rationally." Cas looked down at the ground as Dean began to wrap his arm.

Dean cleared his throat and watched Cas' face. "It's okay... Just be more careful. I wouldn't make it if anything happened to you."

Cas grinned like a fool and met Dean's eyes. Before the wrapping was even done, Cas jumped against Dean and wrapped his arms around his waist. He buried his face in the groove of Dean's neck and breathe deeply against him.

"Cas." Dean whispered softly as he wrapped his own arms around Cas' shoulders.

"Hold me." He gave in to the pleasures and the heat of Dean's body. He squeezed his arm as pressed his entire body against this man he loved so dearly. "Tell me everything is going to be okay."

The side of Dean's head rubbed against Cas' hair. "Everything is going to be okay. I have you and I will never let you go."

Cas didn't know what to say after that, so he just held Dean against him and savored the feel of this man. He could feel the lava rising inside and the bubbles in his stomach soon disappeared. He was selfish and never wanted to let go.

"Cas, baby, can I kiss you?" Dean bit his tongue and hoped he hadn't asked too much of his angel.

But Cas soon pulled his head back and stared up into his favorite set of eyes in all of heaven and earth. He smirked a little to the side and nodded, afraid if he spoke he would scream it at the top of his lungs.

Dean reached up and cradled Cas by the back of his neck sending goosebumps up both their spines.

"I have never-" Cas started with puppy eyes.

"Shhhh... It doesn't matter." Dean leaned in and felt butterflies flutter inside his rib cage.

Ca closed his eyes as he had seen people do in the movies. And before he realized it, warm lips pressed against his own. An eruption boiled from both of them and it was over. The agreement of no touching was blown out the window. Cas grabbed tight to Dean's hips and rocked against him. Dean held to the sides of Cas' face and turned to deepen the kiss.

Before long the were both sweating and panting. Tongue tied and hip bruised, the two finally pulled back and breathed hard against each other. Dean had never had an experience like that with anyone he brought home. And Cas, never knew that feeling even existed, but he loved it and craved more.

"Is your arm okay?" Dean smirked, still breathing a little hard, and traced his fingers over the half done wrap.

"It doesn't even hurt anymore. Nothing does." Cas tilted his head and ran his own hand up under Dean's shirt.

He felt Dean's flat stomach and the sweat and heat that coated it. Then his flexed chiseled muscles made Cas almost lose his breath. When Cas' hand found its way up over Dean's heart, they both stared at each other. Dean was almost scared, but Cas was finally at peace.

Cas pressed the palm of his hand over Dean's beating aching heart. "Keep me here. I don't want to be anywhere else."

Dean swallows hard and searched Cas' eyes. "You can't stay with me tonight?"

Cas shook his head and let his hand fall from Dean and lay at his side. "I won't be able to control myself on a bed with you. We can't make things like this now. We need clear heads going into this."

"My head has never been clearer when you are near me." Dean pleaded and kept his hands on Cas' shoulders. "Stay with me."

"When Lucifer is dead." Cas ached inside from the desire to give in and sleep with his love.

Dean closed his eyes. "I can't go that long. I will go mad."

"We can have our kisses." Cas spoke up a little eagerly.

"I want all of you." Dean opened his eyes and traced the lines of Cas' face. "I need all of you."

"You have me. No one else can. It is just time that is against us. But someday, I will stay with you. I will make you the happiest man on earth. But now, it just can't happen."

Dean hung his head and leaned until it pressed against Cas' shoulder.

"Will you finish wrapping my arm?" Cas spoke softly afraid to upset Dean anymore.

Dean's head lifted and he nodded with some exhaustion. "Come here, baby, I will patch you up." Silence fell on the room as Dean did his own healing to Cas.

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