Chapter Nine - Giving In

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Cas closed his eyes and hummed a light tune as he listened to Dean's somber prayer.

"Cas... I don't know if I can do this. I know, that we have dealt with worse. I have done a lot of shit in my life so far, but never have I yearned for someone before. It is a million times worse than any torture in hell, believe me I know. I pray you to give me the strength to get you out of my mind, at least for the time being." His voice broke a moment as a choked sob rang inside Cas' heart. "I miss you. And I don't want this empty feeling anymore. I miss the color of your eyes. And the stumble of your unshaven chin against my throat. I want to swallow your moans and hold you tight. Tonight, can we pretend like there is no world? That there is just us?"

Silence filled Cas' entire being until he felt a defining ring pulse inside his skull. His mind was racing and his heart was soon winning the race toward Dean's bed. One night, he told himself, and then they can move from there. Passion was starting to blind his strict rules against seeing Dean. The warm itch between his legs began to fog his obligations to humanity. And his human side turned it's back on his angel duties.

Part 2

Dean closed his eyes as he pressed his head into his pillow. He let out a sigh as he let his prayer slip from his fantasies. He needed to sleep, because in his dreams Cas was right there beside him.

He felt a breeze and it stirred him. He shifted his head and felt jean under his cheek. Then a warm firm hand delicately grazed through his messy bed head.

He tensed until he heard the loving humming that came above his closed eyes. His whole body collapsed against the angel who was cradling him. Dean couldn't find the words to speak toward Cas, so he stayed silent.

"Dean." Cas' voice was nothing more than a murmur. "How are you?"

"Suddenly better." Dean shifted and set the back of his head in Cas' lap and opened his eyes up to Cas' crystal blue eyes lovingly dazing down at him.

A smile that broke Dean's soul appeared along Cas' lips. "I have missed you." Cas ran his finger along Dean's jawline.

Dean closed his eyes and drowned in the feel of Cas. He suddenly realized that he was locked in the bunker. He opened his eyes again and saw that the stars were shimmering above them. He shifted his arm to feel crisp grass under his skin.


"I didn't want to be close to Samkiel. She would sense my presence and know everything we say and do. I told her I would borrow you for the night so we could do some recon." He chuckled lightly. "Your prayer... It made me weak."

Dean smiled softly and leaned his head up so that their noses were centimeters apart. He licked his lips, and as he did he felt a shutter run through Cas' body. Dean groaned and lifted his hand up to caress Cas' face.

Cas' eyelids fluttered and his nostrils flared.

"They won't find us here." Dean whispered as his hand raked down Cas' throat. "Tonight, there is nothing else."

Cas' eyes swam open and searched Dean. His voice was rough. "I want you to show me love. I want you to love me."

Dean grinned and sat up to reposition them. He pushed Cas softly on the chest until his angel was laying flat on his back in the grass. Dean carefully climbed on top of him and straddled his waist, feeling scared that Cas was too delicate and he would break under his weight.

But Cas soon wove his arms up under Dean's arms and kneaded his finger tips into his spine. Dean groaned and let his head fall until his lips traced down the length of Case nose until he felt Cas exhale down his neck and finally allowed himself to taste Cas' mouth. Electricity rocked both of them as their kiss deepened and their minds became fogged between the passion they had suppressed for so long.

Dean felt his pants tighten at his crotch and he felt a knot begin to throb in his abdomen. He groaned and never felt this much love in every piece of him before. So he savored this, and he enjoyed it so much that even the impending doom of Lucifer was from from his consciousness.

"Baby," Dean pulled back and his whispers were rough and cracked. "I won't go any farther than you want."

Cas sighed and bucked his hip up against Dean. "I want it all. I want every single part of you. I want you to make me feel."

Dean nuzzled his nose against Cas and breathed in the ecstasy that seemed to emulate off of Cas.

"Okay, baby, whatever you wish." Dean groaned as Cas' hands began to slip up under his shirt and rake his bare back.

Both their bodies pleaded for more. Dean pulled up and arched his back as he took his shirt off an let the moonlight trace his lines. Cas moaned at the sight of this magnificent human that was straddling him. He was all his, and no one else's.

Dean was already in his boxers, but before he could reach down, Cas' hands were already wrapped around them. He tugged them down and felt lava full his own groin.

Dean watched Cas' eyes light up when he was completely naked. Cas began to undress, his eyes never leaving Dean's. And when he began to take his tie off, his hands were shaking from anxiety.

Dean snorted softly and clasped his hands gently over Cas'. They began to untie it together, their smiles mirrored the lust and passion that was no longer hidden under layers of clothes. And when all the clothes were gone, a light tune hummed from one of the first times their eyes had met in the impala. Because true love is when you find that song, that person, that never loses that magic.

Part 3

Dean cradled Cas' head against his chest as they laid under the moonlight in the soft patch of grass that now steamed around them. Dean watched the steam rise and silhouette the stars as Cas pulsed beside him.

"I have never..." Cas started hoarsely. "I have never felt something like that."

"Neither have I." Dean whispered and ran his knuckles along Cas' bare exposed chest.

"Even with your woman friends?" his voice seemed small, afraid of Dean's answer.

"Not with anyone. I have never felt this for anyone... Woman or not. I love you, no matter your gender or species. Angel or human, man or woman, I don't ever want to be with anyone else." The truth in his words shook him to his core. He now had something to lose, this delicate angel splayed under his arms.

"I love you."

"I know, baby. I love you too." Dean felt a warm smile start to pain his cheeks, but he welcomed it.

"You don't understand, Dean. I... I am an angel. My loyalty is to God and humanity. But I feel this tug deep inside. I would let it all crumble, for one more night with you. I would give everything away for you." Cas sat up and searched Dean's eyes with some fear. "I would let humanity die, for you."

"Cas, don't say that." but Dean felt his heart ache. He leaned in and kissed his lips as softly as he could manage without taking Cas again. "Protect the world, that's what I would want."

"I am too selfish." Cas smirked and winked at his hunter.

Dean snickered and ruffled Cas' sex hair. "Me too, baby. But it's all okay. We will beat all this and there won't be a day that goes by that we don't hold each other."

"Promise?" Cas asked with a hopeful and lustful gleam in his eyes.

"On my soul." Dean whispered softly and traced Cas' lips with his finger. He couldn't take his eyes off of those moist luscious lips.

Cas let him. He watched Dean's eyes sparkle in the moonlight. The absolute green was the only thing he was sure of anymore. Heaven seemed like a dimly lit prison cell compared to this spot that their bodies had became one only a matter of minutes before.

"Don't go." Dean whispered when the realization of the world broke their bubble.

"Not now. But soon. I must stop them. And you must begin to get your head back in the hunt. Listen to Samkiel. And please, be safe. If you die, I will raise you from perdition again and beat you." Cas reached up and wrapped his hand around Dean's. "I love you, and not even God will keep us apart."

"Kiss me." Dean whispered.

"As you wish." Cas grinned and leaned in to enjoy what they had left before the weight of humanity and heaven would crash down on them the next day.

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