Chapter Eleven - Sacrifice

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Dean stood at the edge of the bunker and peered out the door where he could clearly make eye contact with Azazel. His heart pounded as he saw the glimmer of yellow trace across Azazel's new human form. It was a young boy, with a cut down the side of his cheek that no longer bled. The boy would have at one point dreamed of being an astronaut, but now was wasting away and festering inside that body alongside the cruelest being Dean had ever come to know.

"Dean. Long time no see. Your daddy misses you dearly." He snickered cruelly.

"Fuck you, Azazel. What are you even doing here?" Dean took a step back and grabbed the Colt that Sam had left on his nightstand.

"I am here to warn you. Well, more like make you shake in your little black boxers. Lucifer is shaking the clouds and angels are raining down all around us. Twelve angels gone in the last two days. Your world is being defeated. And soon, your angel will be in our hands." Azazel locked Dean's eyes and let out a nasty growl.

Dean grasped the handle of the gun and bit his lip until he tasted blood. "Go to hell, where you belong."

"I am past that. Paradise awaits." Azazel gave him a taunting wink before him and his crew of demons turned their backs to Dean and walked off of Bobby's property.

Part 2

Dean had tried Sam's cell phone, but there was no answer. He even called Bobby's home phone after his own screams went unanswered for too long. But he only heard the empty echoing of a phone ring.

So he prayed to Cas. He warned him of what Azazel had said, and prayed that he stay safe and cautious. Before long, Dean's voice was coarse from screaming and praying. He was still afraid that if he left the bunker, demons would e awaiting him. And he knew that he would do no good if he was back in hell.

"You need to take some horse tranquilizers." Gabriel's voice was music to Dean's ears.

When he looked up and met Gabriel's eyes, a reassuring smile calmed his nerves and set him at a little more ease.

"Where is Cas?" Dean took a seat in one of the beds as Gabriel stood behind the threshold of the bunker.

"He is in hiding, he sent me to calm you down. It seems there is a double agent within the top circle of angels." Gabriel's usual smirking face altered as his heart was pained by a sibling betrayal.



Dean's face paled and a sudden wrecking ball crashed into his chest and took his breath away. "We are screwed... Aren't we?"

Gabriel shrugged but sighed deeply. "We have our own tricks, we aren't completely defeated. But we are taking you somewhere even Zachariah wouldn't think to look."

Suspicion grabbed hold of Dean as he stood slowly. "And where is that?"

"Heaven." Gabriel smirked and rolled his eyes. "Well a dimension of heaven. It is a fall out plan long ago set for the first humans to inhabit the earth. When demons were still mangy earth dwellers. Anyway, we have to go now."

"Okay let me call Sam-" Dean started for his phone.

"You can't do that, Dean. You must go without anyone knowing. We are even keeping this from Samkiel." Gabriel kept his eyes on Dean's hand that inches toward the phone still.

"Why the hell-"

"He needs to be pure of thoughts as to where you are. You don't understand the extremes of the situation if Lucifer gets his hands on you. The world will be over. So come now, Sam is watched over and you will be safe." Gabriel looked down at his empty wrist as if he had a watch. "Time is our enemy Dean."

Dean let his hand go limp by his side. He didn't want to leave without telling Sam. It would wreck his brother to find him missing. But he understood it had to be done, and he understood the weight of this whole affair.

"Fine. What will you tell Sam?" Dean started to grab some clothes and shove them in a duffel bag.

"We will tell him you are safely tucked away. He and Samkiel will be pretty busy. Things need to be done to ensure we get a couple steps ahead. This is going to be a shitty ride for a while." Gabriel leaned against the wall outside the bunker and slowly started to unwrap a candy wrapper.

"Will I be alone up there? How will I help?" Dean zipped his bag and rubbed the corners of his eyes. He wasn't ready to give in and be tucked away. He began to feel powerless, an he hated it. But he loved Cas more, and he would follow his angels instructions no matter what the request.

"Maybe not alone, but you won't see Cas, Sam, Samkiel or I during your stay up there. An you won't. You help by staying put and surviving for the final showdown. Think you can handle that?" He grinned widely at Dean revealing chocolate stained teeth.

Dean took a deep breath and grabbed his bag effort starting out of the bunker. "Let's hope."

Part 3

Cas watched somberly as Gabriel took Dean by the shoulder and they flew to a place in heaven that Cas was sure Dean would be safe at. He knew that this meant he wouldn't be able to see his love again until Lucifer was dead. But it was the sacrifice he had to make.

He closed his eyes and prayed for the first time in a long time. "God, please keep him safe. Don't let his big head mess this up, and don't let me die until I hold him at least one more time."


Sorry for the short update... But I want to focus some on Sam and Samkiel's partnership and also more on the separate adventures of Dean's time in heaven and Cas and Gabriel's showdowns with demons.

There hasn't been any votes so far, but please comment and let me know how the story is and what you think.


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