Chapter Fourteen - Halloween Came Early

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Sam looked into the mirror and watched as his eyes glazed over black. It sent goosebumps down his spine. Samkiel was watching him from the side. She was using her power to pull out the black eye trick on him. This way they could easily sneak into the conference and infiltrate any groups collecting toward Lucifer. She was feeling giddy as she watched Sam pale by the complete blackness of his eyes.

"How can you do this?" Sam asked as he touched the spots under his eyes and felt a dread of what it would have been like if he had continued to drink the demon blood.

"Magic." She whispered and jumped down from the hotel sink and play punched his shoulder blade. "You never believe the amount of small tricks you pick up with an eternity under your belt."

He blinked hard and opened his eyes to his own hazel eyes. "Just amazing."

"Yeah, pretty scary how easily something can pretend to be something else. It just means we are all fundamentaly the same, or close to the same." Samkiel walked out into the bedroom of the hotel and opened her overnight bag. Sam was still confused as to how she had collected so many clothes with how little she was on earth.

"Angels and demons.... fundamentally the same?" Sam asked as he walked back into main room and sat down on the corner of the bed so he could be face to face with her.

She shrugged as she pulled out a black tank top from her suitcase. "In a crowded room, at any moment it could be filled with angels or demons. And yet, it is human instinct to believe they are all human. Angels and demons do the same. When we walk into that convention, and flash black eyes, they are immediatly at ease. They dont want to believe we are humans, so they dont."

"Fascinating. It's like you cracked the code." Sam chuckled and looked down at his own attire. It screamed hunter, not demon.

"Some code." Samkiel pulled out a pair of black skintight jeans and started for the bathroom. "I would get on some menasing looking clothes, You are really going to have to act the part. No more high school drama club. This is the big leagues." Sam couldnt mistake the pure excitement that was bubbling in her tone as she shut the door to him.

Part 2

Samkiel's hand brushed against Sam's as they stood a block away from the demon rally. He had worn one of Dean's dark button down shirts with a pair of faded jeans. It was the baddest costume he could muster in the time given. Samkiel looked gorgeous for a demon. Her hair was pulled back in a fine ponytail that swung along her back. He understood now why she went with just a tank. Her tattoo was perfectly visible for everyone to see. And God, she wore it well.

"Listen, if anything happens in there, find me." Her voice was low and he almost heard the trace of some worry. "You are the precious cargo... so dont screw around and get us killed. Follow my lead." And before he could comment, she grabbed his hand and started to lead him to the conference.

Her hand was warm around his, and it made him forget what exactly they were about to do. In that moment, he let her lead him even though inside he was sure they were going to die. The adrenaline alone screamed inside his head, but as he watched her his eyes found their way to her tattoo. And that tattoo was suddenly glowing. This was who she was. Not an Angel of the Lord, not a blind followerer. She was stronger than Sam could ever fathom and she was a leader.

As they approached the door, two men stood on either side in black trench coats and revealed nothing but menacing scowls. Samkiel stopped abruptly and looked almost childlike next to these gorillas.

"We are here for the shindig." She whispered and clenched Sam's hand.

"Password?" The one on the right scuffed as he looked over the two of them.

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