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Ashley's pov

Ashton, thank god for him, face timed me once they boys got to their over lay before they reached California. "So, why did you call that couldn't wait?" He asked.

"Are you away from like, Calum?" I asked him.

He flips the camera around. "Yes, I'm standing all alone like a loser in the airports gift shop." He laughs.

I roll my eyes. "Ok i need an input. You need to be honest."

"Oh god, your not gonna leave, are you?" He asked worried.

"Oh my god no. Never. Just let me speak. Do you think Calum would want to know in private or would he care if i told him in public?" I asked him.

"Well if i known what, i could give you an honest opinion." He says.

I move the camera down to reveal the writing on my shirt. "Baby on board." Ashton goes from a confused look to an excited look.

"You are pregnant!?" He asked.

"Duh that's what my shirt says." I say.

"Wear it." He smiles. "I cant believe you guys are going to be parents."

"Neither can i. Thank you Ashton." I smile to the boy who is almost crying. "Now man up and don't tell anyone or I'll cut your balls off." I tell him.

- hours later -

The girls and i sat in the waiting area waiting for the boys gate to open. I paced nervously, as they all watched me. "What, nervous to see your boyfriend?" Chloe laughs.

"No i uh. Just, nothing." I tell them as Kami just gives me a sympathy smile.

I made sure my jacket was half way zippered when i saw the first boy to walk off the plane. Michael, who made his way up to Crystal. Next was Luke, who ran to Chloe. And then it was my boy, with Ashton walking along side him, and Andy recording behind them.

Once Calum was a foot in front of me, i began to zipper down my jacket. He freezes inches away from me. "Baby on board?" He asked confused. "Oh my god." He says in shock. "You got a baby in there?" He smiles, placing his hands on my little bump.

I nod as i pull out the test from my pockets. "We're going to have a baby hood?" He asked looking at the positive test.

I nod, as tears come down my cheek. "We are going to have a little family." I tell him.

He wipes away my tears as he gives me a small kiss, and then a kiss to my stomach. He picks me up lightly as he shouts, "we are pregnant!"

Everyone just stops to look at Calum and i. Everyone smiles as they rush over to congratulate us. "The Hood was in you, congrats ashley and Cal." Michael says, reminding me of Kami.

I roll my eyes before i turn to the love of my life and kiss him. "I love you Calum Thomas Hood." I tell him.

"I love you most, Ashley Nicole Dillon." He says kissing me. "We're gonna have to change that last name of yours soon." He winks.

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