Felix as a boyfriend

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A/N: I've been hella soft for felix lately which prompted me to make this at 3 AM after watching so many stray kids videos. But request which members you would like to see next in this "..... As boyfriends" series

Enough talking lets get it.

Low-key I'm not gonna go through the "how you two met" cause like you can imagine that if you want it to be cute. Onto the good stuff.

°it's obvious Felix is a koala, so I definitely think he would love hugs, hand holding and all around just being close to you.

°If you aren't fond of skinship he'd probably tone it down but I don't think youd be left alone

°He literally just physically uwus whenever you enter within 50 feet of his range.

°The boys are constantly staring at you two because Felix just liGHTS uP man

°You could be talking to Seungmin and next to you is a Felix with the HUGEST SMILE on his face looking at his lovely S/O

°We all know Felix can sometimes be emotional so he would need you to be a shoulder to cry on

°Being an idol is stressful so pls let mah boi rant and actually listen because he needs it

°He'll take interest in whatever you like to do.

°You like panting? Ok cool he'll take an art class with you

°You like music and dancing? Ight mate he'll bring you to the studio and you can mess around with dancing for make a dumb song together for fun

°You'd have to get along with his members cause I dont think he'd date someone who they didnt like because they mean so much to him.

°If you're foreign he'll try to learn your native language and things about your country. He really just wants to know more about where you come from so you two can feel close

°He'll LOVE if you stole his hoodies. Like he'd low-key just stare at you way more than often if u were wearing his clothes

°If you wear makeup, the mornings he's with you he'll intently stare at you while you put it on.

°if you're still in school he'll help you with your homework as much as he can cause he hates seeing his baby stressed :(

°Sometimes when you're in the Living room dancing like nobody's watching, hes watching around the corner taking a video of you.

°He doesn't care if you're in a reindeer onesie looking like an egg, he loves you either way and is gonna wanna keep that video forever.

°One day he promises to take you to Australia when his schedule isnt so busy

°He really does want to be with you forever

°Even at such a young age he knows he loves you so much

°Arguments are rare unless he's stressed. Obviously you cant always avoid them, all couples argue.

°sorry but its true

°He knows you love his accent so he talks to you just to get a reaction out of you when he purposely over pronounces words

°I should probably stop or else this is gonna go on forever

°sorry I just luv him so much :,)

°OVERALL: He loves you so much its not even funny. You could be together for 4 months or 4 years and he's still gonna adore you. Please take care of this boy because he just wants to stay with you for eternity

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