Coping Falls Short To Hope

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"I cant believe it.." Castiel sighed "what she had done to the angels - to heaven."

It was unbelieveable, how she planned on letting the apocalypse happen, and especially put Dean and Sam in between it all. He could not let this happen, even if those were to be his last words.

"And you brother.. You are the only one who can stop it." Gadreel said boring into his eyes. And before he could set up defense there was the click of locks.

And it didnt matter if Castiel were human or not, he would be able to hear those two heartbeats in this life or the next.

And there stood Masters, now with a trenchcoat and the same framed glasses he - Castiel posessed in the last universe. The same glasses Dean told him to wear more often.

"Well pip pip cheerio! Weve got some soul transfering to do, now go go go!" He chimed opening the cells doors.

Both very confused angels came to their feet. Shackles rattling and confused glances.

"Now what are you two blokes waiting for?! We've got a universe to travel to! Now lets go an-"

"You let them take me." Castiel interrupted. That seemed to stop Masters, or whoever this man or was he a man at all claim to be.

"You let them.." Castiel tried composing himself but the familiar pit in his stomach from nights ago was already opening.

"You just watched." He said calmly, trying to regain his composure. "Thats all you did - you stood there.." tears now threatening to stream down his face. "...and watched them take me."

Castiel had been so hard as a human, he was stronger than as an angel he had never been. Now with the simplicity of words he was nothing but a crippling mess on this prisons floor.

But these tears were different than the other nights - oh so very different. These were full of pent up anger that hadnt been released, these tears were hot and fled without permission. These tears didnt blurry his vision, they only made them oh so much clearer.

The doctor stood there, just as stunned as Gadreel had been. But with a swift movement and the flap of the edges of his trenchcoat, he sat. Criss cross-apple sauce - and he stared. He looked through pieces of glass up to Castiel.

"Allow me to tell you why." He said "Allow me to tell you everything."


After what seemed like seconds, but were probably hours, the doctor told them all. He told him about the deal with heaven, about the universes he accompanied Castiel to. He told him about Rose and the blue box that took him to the stars. And after all, he told them about his plan. He told them how he planned on getting Castiel out whether his life depended on it, he promised he would see Dean once again.

But as he told them everything, he couldnt help but explain the consequences. He knew Castiel belonged in this world, that this is where he was destined o be.

"So theres a Dean here also? And a Sam, and Benny.. And a kevin."

The doctor nodded solemly as he remembered what the future held for that boy in advanced placement.

"And you plan on taking him back. Wont that disrupt something? As in time and space, if Castiel goes back." Gadreel asked.

And again the doctor could do nothing but nod.

After a few moments of thinking, Castiel knew where he had to be.

"Can I - will we, see him? Dean, the one in this universe."

The doctor opened his mouth to scowl them about how that would rip a whole through reality, but in all fairness they were about to do that in a couple of hours wouldnt they?

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