Benny You Fucking Asshole

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(Dean's P.O.V.)


The name was so freakin' weird, and for god knew what reason Dean couldn't get it out of his head. The sound of his name bounced against the walls of Deans brain, only making it louder and clearer. What was so special about him anyway? He was just some weird - yet hot - dorky little guy.

Castiel was just another quickie in the bathroom stall, and that didn't matter. Yeah, he was 100% sure it didn't matter. His stupid thinking almost got him caught trying to sneek into Mr. Masters' class while he wrote on the whiteboard; stumbling on the foot of someone's desk. They gave him the death glare, but he could care less while he snuck his way infront of Benny. He always saved him a seat, even on the days he knew he wasn't coming, making him the head of Dean's fan club.

"Hey, hotstuff."

Benny didn't hesitate to roll his eyes at him as he put his books down.

"Yah late, Winchester."

"Well, thanks for stating the obvious."

Benny and him had known each other since they were 8 and from then on they had never really grown apart. Even though he moved up and down Dean somehow ended up at the same place he was born. Fucking Kansas, full of corn, corn, and hey look over there! More corn.

Point is, he would give his life in a heartbeat for that boy. Their realtionship was as healthy as his and Sam's codependency.

"You reek of sex, brother." Benny grumbled.

That's when he actually took a moment to realize that, yes, someone had just came on his face and, yes, he had just grinded on some complete stranger. Fuck, now that he thought of it, he did smell like a club's bathroom stall. But it wasn't like he cared anyways; it wasn't like Benny didn't know he was the biggest slut of all time. He just couldnt wait till Masters' class ended to tell Benny that he had reached the peak of his slutty sexual history - Mark Cohen.

Well like, Masters' class wasn't the worst. He always managed to at least pay attention for 25 minutes before roaming off to his own imaginary world. And yes, it had absolutely everything to do with the fact that he was hot as fuck. But today felt just different. He couldn't seem to catch a word of whatever Masters was saying - it was like his mind had fallen someplace else and had taken everything with it.

Dean wasn't one to think too much about things that werent imperative. Like when he and Sammy would get their next meal and how or how many times does dad have to puke to declare it alcohol poisoning. He was always too busy trying to distract himself with his petty problems by worrying himself with the real world and real things. But today was definitely different, and it seemed almost impossible to shut the redundant thoughts away.

"Brother, you good?"

Benny snapped him out of his sad excuse for a train of thought, bringing him back to reality in the back of a cooped-up History class. Although, this classroom did always manage in making him feel safe. Dean didn't know whether it was Benny's company or the fact that there were many many windows. But this beige room made him slightly less anxious than all the others.

"Y-yeah Benny, just thinkin'."

By the looks of his bewildered expression, Dean assumed he thought it was as wierd as he had. Dean actually running personal thoughts in his head wasn't a reocurring event. But Benny noticed that? Maybe he was his brother afterall.

"You? Thinkin'?"

Then he burst into a fit of laughter that made a couple heads turn to their direction. Benny had one of those laughs that sounded nice and genuine, although it could thunder against the classroom walls and bounce right back, louder than the last time. Dean seemed to be the only one who appreciated the lines that formed at the corner of his eyes anymore. He didn't laugh like this often, so a person had to savor the moment and mentally capture it. And not if hell depended on it would he ever admit that.

He was so caught up thinking and laughing with Benny that Dean didn't notice Mr. Masters staring directly at them. He had brown sunkissed hair combed neatly back and a british accent that took you to that happy place of yours you always like to be in.
He was young, too, and could make practically anyone swoon, including Dean. His thick-framed glasses made him look like some hipster, adding to his attractive-o-meter. What could he say, he had a thing for those punk kids.

"Is there something I am missing out on, Mr. Laffite?"

Benny didn't seem to care at all that Masters was calling him out. He never seemed to care too much about anything, making him the perfect best friend. Never asked too many questions.

Benny continued his fit of laughter until it became contagious, making Dean choke on his own breath with tears starting to form at the corners of his eyes.

"And you, Winchester? Is there something you would like to add?"

He straightened up as far as he could, with all the seriousness he could manage. Only out of the small amount of respect he had for him.

"Uh, no, Mr. Masters, we were just-" He tried clearing his throat to drown the laughter that was forming in the pit of his stomach.

"It was my fault, really."

"Really, Dean? I thought of you to be more mature than this."

And he just couldn't help to contain his dick personality, not even to Masters.

"Well, I'm pretty mature in some aspects. Like in the bedroom, as I am told." Dean said with a wink.

Half of the class was giggling under their breath, and the other half was just rolling their eyes, wanting to continue with the lesson. But this was far too entertaining to stop now. Masters' reaction seemed to be flustered, making him 10 times more sexy than he already was. How was that even possible? And was it just Dean, or was that a tinge of a blush creeping up his cheeks? But all of his confidence was like a rug that had just been swept out from under his feet when Masters started to make his way towards his desk.

He took slow steps towards Dean, looking at the ground, and he knew that he wasn't going to like this at all.

"Well, Winchester, I am sure that you are a very mature partner in bed when you want to be."

By now he was already perched over his desk. Coincidentally, his crotch was standing less than a foot away from Dean's face while he looked down on him. He mustered the courage and looked up at him. He unconsciously licked his lips, which he regretted seconds later.

"But, let's see how mature you can look sitting here, at 5:15, in detention."

An echo of "Ohhhhs" came from around the room while all the blood was drained from his face. With that Masters made his way back to the board, explaining away the influence  religion had on the crusades. Benny continued chuckling under his breath like the little shit he was: Fucking Benny, Dean wanted to stab him in the neck.

He elbowed him hard, making sure to leave some sort of bruise. He fucking deserved it.

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