Is That You Doctor?

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((Castiels P.O.V))

"Excuse me, Castiel!"

Before Castiel could turn to see who had called him he was already sure the voice belonged to Masters. He had befriended Masters after his mother's death. He'd visit Castiel and his brothers throughout the days he was still in a public middle school, and was the only one he went to when the gashes on his face left by his classmates bled profusely enough to raise concern. A friend of his mothers he was, a good one and had always been.

He became Castiels home in many ways. He knew about the things that haunted him every time He closed his eyes when he was younger. He knew how lonely Castiel felt. But from back then things had changed and new demons circled through his head, demons that he never had the courage to tell anyone about.

The bell had rung and Castiel had been making his way out the double doors when he called him. Masters was running/jogging towards him through the mixed crowd of teenagers, shoving them aside. The sight was almost comical as he tried his best not to trip while making his way to Castiel.

"Hello, Castiel," he said, when he finally reached him. He fixed the cuffs of his sleeves and failed at straightening his bowtie. Why was a 26-year-old man wearing a bowtie in the first place? Who knew, it was Masters after all.

"Hello, Mr. Masters."

"Oh, you know not to call me that. It makes me feel old. Just Masters," he said with a wink.

Castiel swore this man could be a 6-year-old trapped in a incredibly attractive adult body.

"I'm in need of your assistance, you see. There appears to be a staff meeting of some sorts and I need someone I trust to watch over my detention round. Would you mind looking after it while I figure this out? It's only one student. " Masters winked and nudged his shoulder. "And Ill bring you one of those frozen sugary Starbucks drinks you like so much, eh? Tomorrow morning to start of your day."

And there they were, the puppy dog eyes. Yes, he owed Masters the world after everything he'd done, and yes, he knew Castiel was probably his last option. He would never ask of Castiel to be in the same room alone with someone forcing him to socialize if it weren't absoloutly necessary, considering his anxiety.

He must be truly desperate. Castiel tried his best to roll his eyes and look annoyed, but Masters could always see right through him.

"I'll let Lucifer know I won't be home until seven." He groaned.

The stress and creasing lines in his forehead dissapeared with a sigh of relief. Masters always worried a little bit too much. To take away a single gram of that stress from his shoulders to bear on his was the greatest thing Castiel had done all week.

Masters thanked him, leaving with a skip down the now clearing hallways. Castiel watched him skip with his hands tucked behind him until he became a small smudge that he was unable to see without his glasses.

He really hoped Masters would find someone worthy of him.


Castiel grabbed his things when it was finally time for detention to take place. They held detention in a small storage room on the last floor cluttered with "junk". Castiel personally found the valuables vastly insteresting to go through. There were endless possibilities of things to find; that was probably the only reason why he was excited to attend today's detention and why Masters even let him in the first place, him knowing his curiosity with the things in that room anyway.

He walked up to the door and looked through the small glass pane to see the only student that had managed to get detention on a Friday from the benevolent god that was Masters. He searched the room, but no one was there. Odd.

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