Queer As Folk

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If theres a few things Sam learned throughout his first year in highschool, it was one - teachers are what makes a subject boring or less boring - dont shop lift anything that doesnt fit in your pocket - and never, under any circumstances, date anyone in your year.

You might think the last one is a bit drastic and pretentious, but in all honesty he would rather date a 19 year old man than some 15 year old with the inability of using a belt
And coincidentally He does like a 19 year old that of all names has the devils.

Yeah and before you say anything, it wasnt like Sam had asked for
Its not like he prayed to god to send him an older man that looked like heaven with a slice of hell and a side of purgatory. Its not like he asked for this man to waltz into his life and to be the only person who genuinly cared besides Dean. Sam never wanted some sarcastic and overprotective 19 year old in his life that made his insides do a flip flop.

Or that made him flower crowns and went to his games and on occasion braded his hair even when he said he didnt like it but really it just made his whole visual perspective a whole lot better.

But it didnt matter what he wanted because 'life isnt a wishgranting factory Hazel Grace'. That damned book that Dean hid under his pillow was going to be the end of him.

But before Dean muffled sobs at 3 am everytime he read the part where augustes died drew him to the point of insanity, he was Lucifer was going to push him over the edge somehow.

Just like right now. They were sitting in the living room as always with his head on Lucifers shoulder and his legs draped over him unceremoniously as they watched Buffy re-runs. Lucifer always layed his hand on the back of Sams neck and stroked the small hairs everytime things got a little too intense. The feeling of the gazing fingers made his toes curl and his breath hitch while the edge of his ears turned crimson. Its like the bloody idiot did it on purpose.

But before Sam could form legible words with his tongue the door swung open. And to no suprise it was Dean and his lover.

Dean never liked to admit it but Sam always knew since the first day they had met.

It was all in how Dean started coming home later than usual humming the tune to the same stupid song and staring at the cieling with that stupid toothy smile that made Sams heart jump a little.

Even on the days when John drank a little more than usual and forgot to buy dinner again, Dean found ways to stay patient and started to take Sam to Cas' when things got to rough. And thats when Sam knew where all this new behaviour came from: the way how Dean immediatly lit up the room when Cas walked in was breathtaking and they both had the same "I think I just found what I never knew I was looking for" lovey dovey look on their faces.

But Sam wasnt the only brother who noticed the drastic change the boys went through in the matter of days. it took about 4 hours for Gabriel to notice the change in Castiel. It had begun with tiny unimportant things like the small smiles Anna and him exchanged at the dinner table, or the extra minutes spent in the morning to give a few extra touches to his eyeliner and hair.

But if that hadnt given off enough red lights, the time Castiel sneeked in at 12:45 in the morning, Gabriel had had enough.

"Castiel what are you doing?"Gabriel grinned from the bottom of the stairs.

Castiel almost fell on himself holding on to the rail with his dear life.

"Y-you nearly /killed me/!!" He Gasped Castiel clutching his chest regaining his breath.

"Well look whos slippin' in at the wee hours at dawn."

"Its barely a quarter past 12."

"Potatoe, tomato" Gabriel waved.

And thats the moment gabriel new something was up. And he was 110% sure it was that ken doll he brought home one day to "hang out" with the slightly smaller ken doll with shaggy hair Luci always talked about.

And it was like everyone in this planet knew how those lovebirds could lose themselves in eachother eyes except them.

No they didnt get awkward around eachother or held hands under the table, but whenever in a room no matter how large the perimeter seemed to be, they always stood together and a little too close for Gabriels taste.

But Gabriel wasnt the only one to notice, Gadreel also noted the change in Castiel. Now when he spent his nights watching infomercials in the living room, he no longer had to ignore the screaming coming from Castiels room. Yes it still happened on ocassion, but now the sobbing and choking sounds were less frequent and the sound of Radiohead stipped coming from Castiels room at 5.

At first he didnt know if he was hallucinating while passing by Castiels room and not hear the same faint melody. It had been years of the same thing every single day at the exact same time, and to suddenly not hear the mellow music was startling.

And since that Thursday he never heard Radiohead again which made things slightly easier. Except the constant staring at eachother, Gadreel would never get over that.

But it never seemed to bother Sam, because seeing his brother happy was a rare occurrence that should be appreciated at all times.

And to see his brother march in with a cheek splitting grin made his insides tingle and his lips curl up unvolintarily.

Lucifer let his gaze on Sam features just for a little since he started to allow himself to those simple pleasures after the whole staring too long fiasco.

And while the too entered the room it felt like they took all of the air out of it and it felt like their should be some movie soundtrack to go with the moment like Colorblind by Counting Crows or something as equally dull and excesivelly poetic for Sams taste.

"They're in love arent they."

Sam said more of a statment than a question.

And with Lucifers gaze still fixed on him he managed to whisper something incoherent because he spent a little too much time lost in the smaller boys jaw and the little fine hairs at the nape od his neck.

"And everyone knows it but them."

And the faint sound of Counting Crows was playing in the back of Sams head mixing graciously with the rumble of Deans laughter coming from the other room and for that small symphony he was tremendously grateful.

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