Dean Has The Wierdest Kinks

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Deans eyes blew wide while the Asia song still played in the backround.

/what the hell just happened?!/

Unfortunatly Dean remembered the dream vividly, every breath and every movement was now burned into his mind and there was nothing he could do about it. His best friend just gave him the best orgasm in his life and he wasnt even conscious at the moment.

Cas /was/ his best friend god damnit, what the fuck was he thinking?

Well yeah he knew exactly what he was thinking and really fucking liked it but that was the problem.

But where was he anyway?
Dean looked around the room trying to decifer where he had fallen asleep. It was until he spotted the My Chemical Romance poster that he noticed where he was.

/this was so not happening./

Dean sat up uncomftorably and tried reminding himself why he was in Cas' room.

And thats when the flood of memories came crashing in. Dean had been waiting for Cas to come out with his birthday present so he turned on the radio and laid down.

Oh my god Cas was going to come out of the bathroom any second.

Oh shit, what was he gonna think when he sees his bestfriend laying in his bed with pants full of cum?

Dean would probably be traumatized for life. And poor Cas that has obviously not been doing much laying around would be /petrified/.

Dean hurridly looked around the room for a solution.

He could simply just not tell Cas and deal with it. He considered the idea in his head but decided not to when the sticky white started to drip down his thighs.

But before he could think of anything else the bathroom door bust open.

Dean sat there stunned for a few seconds not knowing what to say. Out of all things in this world for Cas to give him he was certainly not expecting this.

He always knew Cas liked the cutsie stuff - Dean wasnt a big fan per say.

But seeing Cas walk out of that bathroom with a full on cat onesie on and a flower crown laying on his head was the most adorable thing ever. It made his black eyeliner and lip piercing certainly less punk but oh did he look just adorable.

Dean caught himself staring and tried redirecting his eyes somewhere else.

"Remember when you said that you didnt like always sleeping in underwear?"

Dean nodded.

"Well I thought I might find a effective solution for that." Cas said eyeing the other onesie in his hand.

"And the flower crowns?" Dean asked.

"I-i made them." Castiel suddenly found the bedroom carpet very interesting when a blush creeped through his face.

He didnt know if Dean would hate it and refuse it and just stop being his friend in all. That thought had Castiel on the edge the whole week.

"It was just a personal touch.. Its okay if you dont want it or dont think it is appropiate for the right usage, I cant really take the flowers back to the store bu-"

Dean interrupted Cas with a touch of the shoulder.

"Cas buddy, I like it. Its wonderful." Said Dean taking the items.

Yes it wasnt exactly what he dreamed of literally, but this was way better because now he could see Cas in a black Cat onesie with a tail! A freakin tail.

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