Chapter 20.

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Lol I'm like #789 on werewolf so I magically hope it can go higher xD

"Really, come out of the bathroom!" Emily pounded against the door in annoyance.

I've been in the bathroom for 2 days on a serious hunger strike. I've never been so hungry in my entire life. I honestly considered eating the carpet, or even the soap in the bathtub. But this was something I was set on doing. Ryder needs to learn that he can't just own or possess me. I'm a human, not an object.

"Seriously, this is ridiculous! You're going to starve!"

"Good! I'm sure Ryder would love that!" I hissed, my voice coming out hoarse. So far I've only been drinking sink water. Not bad but not good either. And it's nice because I can take showers and just j chill in my towel on the ground. 

I've looked for things to do. I played with soap in the sink, wrapped myself in the shower curtains, drew pictures on the mirror after I showered. I'm starting to lose my creativity. And my stomach hasn't stopped howling like a big fat whale for a while now. Ryder hasn't come up to see me. Only Em and the twins.

"You are acting stupid!" Em shouted, banging on the door. I crouched as my tummy made the rumblies. 

It was getting to the point where it actually hurt because I wasn't eating. Two days. Two. Whole. Days. All without food. I like food. Love it. This sucks.

"Please open the door, I have food!" Em wailed from the other side.

Oh god, the slight smell of fish sticks from the other side reached my nose. My mouth watered, and my stomach made the loudest whale noise of all. 

"I can hear your stomach ya know," She groaned.

I wrapped my arms around myself. I hated this. I hated not eating. But I believed strongly in defending what I believed. And Ryder can go suck it if he wants to.

"You know what? Fuck it. Your being selfish. Ryder's being selfish. I'm sick of it and I'm going out. So starve yourself to death for I could fucking care, less" She spat before her footsteps bounded away. I couldn't help but feel a little bad. I grew to like Emily.

Suddenly footsteps neared the door, and I had a feeling I already knew who it was.

"Please open the door," His husky voice said from the other side weakly.  He sounded just as weak as I felt at the moment.

"Why? So you can open the door and order me around?" I replied quietly. I heard him lightly growl - which I guessed was the wolf thing.

"Zara, how can I talk to you if there is a door in the way?" He asked.

"We're talking right now," I muttered as my stomach howled. That was embarrassing.

"I need you to eat," He said curtly.

"Not . . . hungry," The words came out forced because my whole body was urging me to just start eating the dry wall.

"I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry I got . . . weird over what happened. It was your choice and you didn't know me enough nor trust me to tell me about what happened with the locker or the writing on the wall. It's just . . . the thought of someone trying to hurt you or take you, takes me to a dark place and it's hard to get out if it sometimes. I really care about you Zara, and I don't ever want to see you hurt or upset," He revealed.

His words brought warmth to my heart. For a minute I forgot about the stupid fight. Why were we fighting anyways? Getting on my hands and knees, I crawled towards the door, and flung it open, only to have Ryder fall to the ground on his back.

"Were you leaning against the door?" I whispered.

"Yeah," he mumbled before groaning. 

He looked up, those pale eyes staring at my ugly poop brown eyes. I could lose myself in those orbs all day. His hands reached up, glazing my cheeks. A sizzle formed before sparks emanated from his touch. They were so powerful and had me reeling for more.

"Our bond was beginning to weaken," He muttered, placing his hands on my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. 

I was taken by surprise before he lifted his head to meet mine, our lips connecting. My eyes widened in shock before closing from pleasure. He lightly bit my lip, asking for entrance, but I refused to open my mouth. Again, he bit harder, eliciting the slightest moan from my throat. 

He took his chance for his tongue to slip and dance with mine. He took dominance within seconds. I never realized how much I had missed his touch, or his lips for a matter of fact. I pulled away, turning around to straddling him. He growled lightly, kicking the door closed. Our lips hungrily pulled at each others as he sat up holding me. 

I decided to be daring. 

Slowly, I began to grind my hips against him. All I had on was shorts and a plain black t-shirt. He had on a black shirt with denim jeans, and it made him look so . . . delicious? Mouthwatering? Scrumdidlyumpshous!!

He pulled back, lolling his head back.

He took in a sharp breath.

"Fuck, Zara," He growled, before he flipped me over, being gentle but also slightly rough against the tile. He now hovered over me, using his elbow for support. My cheeks got red at him staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I muttered, getting self conscious.

"You are so damn gorgeous," He whispered, his husky voice sounding deep. Tingles raced down my spine.


"I'm serious. I'm the most lucky man on earth to call you my mate," He growled harshly.

I stared up at him. 

"Zara, I want to do something. But only with your permission."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Bare your neck. I want to mark you," He said slowly.

For some reason, I didn't feel at all nervous. I wanted people to know I was taken. I wasn't sure what marking was, or if it was painful, but for some reason, my nature told me it was right.

I turned my head sideways, preparing for what was to come. He brought his head down, his dark hair tickling my cheek. He left a featherlight kiss above my collar bone, before something sharp pierced my skin.

I squirmed in pain, wanting him to stop. Heat fled through my veins, and I felt myself convulse after a second before I was on cloud 9. My eyes fluttered closed as I raked my fingers down his back. Pleasure and electric currents zapped throughout my entire being, before I let out the most loudest and most embarrassing moan in the history. 

My face heated up as Ryder released and stared at me with loving eyes. His eyes made me feel happy, so I brought him to a hug.

"I don't like fighting with you baby," He cooed in my ear.

"Me neither."

Did I love him? Not entirely.

Was I falling in love with him? Most definitely.

SOOOO I had to end short because my mom is coming home and making me do chores and I haven't even started and she's on her way home and I still look like  a frothy hobo.

Did you guys like it? I HOPE SO MWHAHAHAkjgaskldjf;aisdfha;iofu

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