Chapter Fourteen

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I'm not exactly unfit. I'm just not capable of running for longer then two minutes without breaking my inhaler. Morever, I have no intention of running for leisure. Absolutely none. Since I have never intentionally gone for a run, the only person that has ever seen me take part in this form of torture, was Luke. Bear in mind, it wasn't intentional- yet look at the state I was in. Therefore, he wouldn't want to go running with me again, right?

"Speed up, Soph!"

You'd think that, wouldn't you.

"Remind me why I'm doing this, again?" I panted, for the third time. My head was hurting, my knees were in pain and let's just say my mood, like my physical fitness, wasn't in the best state.

"It's a great way to clear your mind." Luke breathed from a few metres in front, not even out of breath yet. "Besides, I thought Calum told me you were into running?"

Oh yes, Calum. My boyfriend.

Of course.

Him and everyone else had, according to Luke, had all gone out that night 'to clear their minds' after he explained to them my innocence. I don't blame them, plus the press wasn't making it any easier. Turns out the night was a little wilder then expected, leading to the group splitting to different bars throughout the night. Thankfully, Bree had texted me assuring me they were all safe.

"I thought you ran competitively?"


There was so much that was wrong about this moment in time. Firstly, I was up at six.


That's like the middle of the night.

Why did I allow myself to be dragged out of my snuggly cocoon of warmth at the crack of dawn, you ask? Well, when a six foot three manchild starts jumping on your bed, it's bound to wake you up. Secondly, it was Luke and for some odd reason, I couldn't say no to him.

It may have been because it was about five hours prior to when I usually wake up and my brain wasn't properly functioning.

Or maybe it was because Luke was in a snapback and he looked pretty damn attractive.

But let's just go with the first answer.

Let's go for a run, he said. It'll clear your mind, he said.

In fact, yes, it did clear my mind, alright. My mind was almost empty. Not of worries, oh no, I had tucked those in the back of my head for later. Conciousness. Yes, that's it, that's what I was lacking.

Long story short- I was about to faint.

"Is this what hell feels like?" I wheezed, my vision splitting into two as I narrowly avaoided a lampost.

"No pain, no gai-"

"What year is this, 1982?" I flung myself against the side of brick wall, slipping down until I was in a sitting position. "Shut up." I drenched myself with the contents of my water bottle, which I very stupidly filled with orange juice.

"What the heck are you doing?" Luke turned around, approaching me with a strange, perplexed look present on his face.

"Cooling down." I continued tipping the orange liquid over my face despite the wierded out looks Luke was sending in my direction.

"That's probably not the best ide-"

"Don't tell me how to live my life." I remarked, too busy attempting to regain oxegen into my system.

He rolled his eyes, chuckling to himself as he reached into his jacket, pulling out a small towel.

"You could have just told me you were tired." he smiled, wiping my cheek, clearly amused as I glared at him.

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