Like You ~ 24

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A/N: Yo, I have a question: do you guys want a lemon chapter (ooooh scandalous)? I mean, I can do it if y'all are that thirsty or something.

   "Uuuuuuuugh . . ." You groaned loudly, catching the attention of the people around you. Black and grey retreated from your vision as your optics adjusted to the light. Your friends ran over to your medical berth, surrounding your frame.


   "You're awake!"

   "Oh my Primus, thank goodness!"

   "Y/N BY THE ALLSPARK YOU'RE ALIVE I'M NEVER LETTING YOU LEAVE THE MEDBAY AGAIN!" Your sire rushed over to your side, pushing past your other teammates. He clutched your shoulders and buried his faceplates into your neck.

  You giggled quietly to yourself. Ratchet jumped into action once again, this time running through all the procedures he could think of to make sure you were okay. You rolled your optics. While he did that, your gaze wandered around the room, knowing exactly where you were.

   "Hey guys?" You spoke up, "What are we doing on the Nemesis?" You attempted to sit up, but three different servos landed on your chassis and pushed you back on the berth. Alright, nevermind then.

   "Your warlord conjunx carried you here yesterday, after you drove off with the data cylinder," Arcee answered sarcastically.

   "Conjunx? Seriously?" Jack whispered to her. He was on the edge of the berth where him and his human friends had been haphazardly placed during the excitement.

   "What's a conjunx?" Miko quickly whispered into the boy's ear. Raf gave her a response.

   "Anyways," Bulkhead chimes in, rubbing his sore, limping leg, "this morning Megatron called in, asking to end the war. We came over and stayed with you, while he and Optimus left to go talk things out."

   He finally did it! You realized, nearly tearing up, he finally stopped the war.

   "Wait." Something popped up in your processor, striking your worries. The relic. Had the mission been a success? What happened? "Hold on. Did you guys get the data cylinder? Or did Megs?"

   "Wait: Did you just call him Megs?" Miko and Jackie questioned. She was ignored.

   "Y/N! You nearly got beaten to death, and you're worried about some relic?!" Ratchet scolded you from the monitor he was typing away at. You let out an awkward laugh and shrugged. Wheeljack snickered in the background.

   "Yes?" You replied nervously. He sighed heavily and shook his helm, returning to his work.

   .::For your information, we did actually get the cylinder. The 'Cons forgot about it, I guess.::. Bumblebee responded.

   "I guess it doesn't really matter now," you rambled, "'cause, y'know, we're kinda joining forces and all that jazz, but-"

   "Aaah, finally! The princess has awakened." Knockout came through the medical bay's entrance. "Dear old dad kicked me out so he could do his own thing, so I figured I'd freshen up." A smirk was on his features and his armor was polished to the point where you could see your reflection.

   "I don't exactly trust you with my sparkling," Ratchet grumbled under his breath.

   "Tsk tsk tsk. We're ending the war, remember? We're all on the same side, now."

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