Take My Body ~ 19

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Wheeljack unsheathed his katanas as he approached the semi-destroyed body of Laserbeak. Electricity crackled from their open circuits. Me and Ratchet followed a few paces away and stopped when Wheeljack took offensive stance.

   "Wheeljack, keep your distance," your sire warned the other mech, "Laserbeak is the eyes and ears of Soundwave."

   Jackie walked up to the minicon and put his katana under them, and flipped them over. It hit the dirt with a clang.

   "Not anymore, it isn't," Jackie remarked with a prideful smirk. You took out your portable scanner from your sub space and scanned our defeated opponent.

   "Operating system is functional and offline. Though, the crash actually damaged Laserbeak's optic and audio receptors," You reported. You held the scanner by your side and looked up at your companions.

   "Guess someone's gonna need a new snitch," The Wrecker chuckled.

   "A minor victory, and not the one we are here to achieve," The older medic reminded you grumpily. He began walking away, and you, not really knowing what else to do, began to follow him. Wheeljack looked down at the minicon with a mischievous expression.

   "Hang on there, Doc. You too, princess." Your sire groaned as the mech used that nickname again, and you couldn't help but blush at 'princess'. Sounds like some nickname Megs would call you just for laughs when you were alone.

   "What did you just call her?!" Was what Ratchet yelled at Wheeljack when what he'd said finished processing. Jackie ignored him.

   "Situations right for an old Wrecker trick." You and your parent met optics and looked back at the Wrecker as you walked back over.

   "I'm . . . not sure I follow," Ratchet replied, wearing an expression of confusion.

   "Yeah, me neither," You added quickly, wearing one of confusion and curiosity.

   "Sooner or later," he detached the grenade on his hip, "Soundwave's gonna come looking for his pet." Jackie motioned towards the Cybertronian bird with the explosive item. "We let 'em reunite and return to base packing a live grenade. The first wave reaches inside, he trips the pin, and kaboom." An explosion was made with his servos.

   "Why plant a mere incendiary device, when we could plant a more devastating bomb?" The elderly doctor asked after a short moment of silence. He walked forwards and you could only look at him with that puzzled but curious expression.

   "A virus," you followed him to where he crouched down in front of Laserbeak and transformed his servo, "engineered to pass from Laserbeak to Soundwave." He trailed the blue laser down the middle of a metal seam, which opened up the minicon's inner workings. The sound of gears whirring reached your audio receptors.

   Now you knew what the doctor was getting.

   "Then, directly into the Cons' warship's mainframe, where it'll transmit the entire Iacon database to our base!" You concluded quickly and excitedly. Ratchet transformed his tool back into his servo.

   You momentarily forgot who you were battling against, who you were racing to take relics away from and stop from ruining the galaxy like he did your home planet. The sudden realization made you bite your lip and quietly gasp. You swore, if Megatron didn't call off the war soon, you would have to actively avoid him yourself, and cease all contact with the warlord. Cut off communications, forget you ever became friends (or whatever your relationship was).

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