'Cause If I Could See Your Face Once More ~ 4

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A/N: Just saw Black Panther! Not bad, but I'm still waiting on that Black Widow movie.

It'd been days since the dream.

   You'd recovered quite well from the horrifying nightmare, even though it had felt much too real. Then again, that was the nature of a bad dream, to make up events you would never want to live through in reality.

   Lucky for you, no had questioned it. Whenever you fell into silence while you worked (because you were almost always working, a habit passed down by your sire), your team assumed you had gone into a focused state. It was normal. Your sire grew slightly concerned though, as he also knew you went into silence every time you thought of your creator. Flashbacks weren't often, but they certainly were too saddening for your innocent spark.

   So far, your main big adventures in between the nightmare and now were: rescuing Breakdown, in which you didn't do very much at all, meet Jack's mother, June, and finally, help Arcee and Bulkhead survive through their awkward mission. Nothing too bad, in your opinion.You had been excited to meet June and chat about your love for medical sciences, anyhow.

   You'd accompanied Bulkhead and Arcee and their faithful, human companions on the quest to find an energon signal. You'd figured you shouldn't allow yourself to stay cooped up in the base all the time, though Ratchet would disagree. You and the two-wheeler walked at the Wrecker's sides as you emerged from the mine's entrance. There were Jack and Miko, waiting on the boulders as they conversed about her Slash Monkeys Concert.

   "By all appearances, the mine's been stripped," Arcee announced, her optics on the screen of the mobile scanner.

   "But I'm getting a signal," Bulkhead countered, his voice sounding more like it'd been a question.

   "It's not exactly strong, but it is most definitely energon," You confirmed confidently. You put your servos on your hips as you moved your weight to one leg.

   "It doesn't make sense," The femme sighed, "This operation has been abandoned four, maybe five years. And Decepticons never leave energon behind."

   "You can say that again," You muttered.

   "Uh, guys?" Jack's hesitant voice interrupted your conversation. He bit his lip nervously and pointed towards the entrance of the mine. All three of you turned your helms, only to find a specific, rambunctious teenager running into the darkness.

   "Cool!" Miko cheered ecstatically as she sprinted, arms open as she embraced the unknown.

   "I can't believe it. She went in!" Arcee scoffed. A huff left her intake in frustration.

    "Really? Have you . . . met her?" The raven-haired boy questioned his guardian.

   "Yeah," You chimed in, "I get she's curious, but even I'm not that bad." You let out a sigh. To reiterate: your curiosity was what drove you. You had been forbidden from missions by the medic, your protective sire, simply because it threw some of its tracks.

   Bulkhead groaned, running a servo down his faceplates as he cursed his partner under his breath. Then, he ran in after her, shouting her name in worry, "MIKO!"

   "Hey, Bulk, wait up!" You called after him, moving your legs as fast as they would go. You didn't stick around to hear what the remaining two had to say about it.

   Seconds later, the infamous Decepticon warmonger and his first lieutenant approached the mine. They transformed in the air and landed like superheroes, rising up to their pedes. Megatron took steps towards the entrance, before stopping at the words of his skinny, second-in-command, who stood far behind him.

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