Is Nothing More~ 2

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Frozen in time is what you were. Or what you had been for at least half a minute, along with the patient yet judgemental gaze of the Decepticon warlord on you. It was an odd event, to put it simply.

You snapped yourself back into reality before biting your derma. Though your impulsive curiosity wanted to have you continue forward, the responsible and reasonable part of you kept your pedes from taking any steps. After all, what sane person would approach their sworn enemy with the same attitude you'd curiously approach an unknown object?

'What are you doing?' You mentally scolded yourself. 'This is Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons, you idiot! He could be playing a trick to catch you off guard! Though you would listen to the responsible Autobot voice objecting your wanted course of actions strenuously, the logical side of you knew better.

The warmonger sent you an amused yet quizzical expression that somehow still gave off his calm and end-accepting vibe. It was a little confusing to you. You chose to ignore his gaze and swiftly analyze the situation as the two of you continued to look at each other in confusion and curiosity.

'Analyze the situation' the Ratchet voice in your processor repeatedly reminded you. You shooed it away to focus better. From what you could tell, Megatron was bleeding out from nearly every crevice in his armor. You actually wished it to be a hyperbole. His plating was bruised and dented, and some of his wiring stuck out in odd places. There was probably internal bleeding, as far as you could tell without a scanner in servo. You needn't be frightened; this mech was in no condition to battle even you.

So, ignoring the alarms that went off inside your helm, you walked in the direction of the dying leader.

"What are you doing out here?" You asked softly as soon as you could find your voice. A great conversation starter when talking to your neighborhood warmonger. You approached cautiously, taking out a medical scanner from the backpack-like container on your backstruts (similar to Ratchet's).

"I don't want your pity, Autobot," the warlord hissed. He tried his best to move away from you as you got on one knee and scanned him. Megatron only ended up grunting in pain and slumping on the ground again. He seemed to be taking his wounds quite well for someone on the verge of joining the AllSpark.

"I wasn't asking if you wanted pity," the scanner beeped as you talked, so you pulled it back to your faceplates and inspected the results, "I was asking why you're out here. Y'know, like this."

   "As if you would care, medic. Constantly foiling my plans to restore order to our home planet with your precious teammates. I highly doubt you're doing anything out of the goodness of your spark," He spoke up again after seconds of silence. His voice held a natural growl as he rambled angrily about how you were the true evil that needed to be vanquished or whatever. The ex-gladiator kept on interrogating you, spitting out the words even though they pained his throat, "Speaking of motives, what drive you to this moment? Saving me of all sparks? Don't think I will spare your pathetic team simply because you foolishly chose to fix me."

   "I'm not asking for anything in return," You responded, rolling your optics at the mech's blindness to kindness. After going through the steps quickly in your helm, you took out your first aid kit and began doing your best to patch up his wounds with the tools at servo.

   "Good things always come for a price," Megatron grumbled. It sounded like mantra, a pessimistic motto of sorts. The whole sentence made you frown, though much else of what he coughed up as you worked didn't make your reasoning feel anymore justified.

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