Without You ~ 15

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A/N: Happy LGBT Pride month to all! 🏳️‍🌈 Where are my fellow panromantics? This was supposed to be done like a week ago, I am so sorry.— Yo, after this story, I wonder if I should do an Arcee or Bulkhead x Reader after this?

   Twenty questions.

   While most people, when they met with the intimidating warlord, would glare in suspicion, you instead proposed to play the human game Twenty Questions.

   Why'd Megatron say yes? Well, you wanted to get to know each other better, and he saw how your optics lit up at the idea, and a smile grew onto your features. He wanted to see that smile more often.

   So, here you were: sitting excitedly with your legs crossed feet away from him, while Megatron sat in a similar position, except his body language showed how uncharacteristically awkward and confused he was acting as you started. It was understandable, though, considering such a mech was unused to these sorta of casual, non-battle-related activities.

You tossed out simple and random questions for him to answer, like:

• "What's your favorite color?"

• "Got any hobbies?"

• "What's the Nemesis like?"

And so, he would leave silence, but an answer would be there. The reason Megatron was quiet, and the reason you let him be, was because you could tell he was putting actual thought into the responses. The warlord himself was trying to make them detailed enough for an adequate answer, but not so detailed that it looked like he was trying too hard.

Megatron's answers were:

• "Purple, like the Dark Energon I once consumed."

• "I wrote poetry when I was not busy in the mines or fighting in Kaon. I . . . I do still, when I'm not commanding or seeing you."

• "It's . . . difficult, especially with the likes of those I am surrounded by on a daily basis."

By Unicron's wrath, the warmonger swore to himself. He did sound like he was trying too hard, or at least, that's what he thought. You only giggled in response.

The two of you met up around 10 PM, when everyone was asleep, and Ratchet was forced to not work late again. Megatron had made sure nobody was out past his ship's set curfew, and Soundwave kept the saved coordinates of your meet-up spot secret.

You kept up with the conversation, excited to learn more. This time, it was the former gladiator that asked the questions, and you provided your eager answers.

"Favorite color?" He inquired.

"Red! Like . . . your optics!" You added to your replies like he did.

"You . . . like my optics?" That wasn't supposed to be a question, though Megatron couldn't help but be taken aback. No matter how many times you met up—and the two of you had begun doing this more often than before—he was still surprised by your kindness. You acted patient and sympathetic towards him, like you'd already forgiven him for all he'd done.

"Um, yeah? Why?" The mech shook his helm in response, signaling that it wasn't important.

"What . . . do you do in your free time?" The warmonger asked curiously.

   "Weeeell, usually I just like to surf the internet and learn more about humans and their cultures! I also still keep up with my studying of Bot and human anatomy, and hang out with  the team when they're not busy!"

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