All I Want ~ 1

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A/N: Hollaugh I can't thank you enough for this cover! It's so much better than I could ever do!

You were a medic, like your sire during the war. You still are!

Ever since you and the team landed on Earth, Ratchet kept his watchful optics on you and your activities. He didn't enjoy you leaving his side. Both you and the team agreed that he could be a little over the top.

   Both you and your sire were medics that decided to go with an ambulance alt mode. You worked day and night and were stubborn and awkward. You both mourned the offlining of your creator during the beginning of the war. Luckily, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee knew how to cheer you up whenever you were down. Though, soon, one of them kicked the curb after an encounter with Starscream.

   You did your best to help Arcee with that. Therapy was something you'd wanted to get into, but casual conversations were something you were surprisingly bad at. Though you were the only femmes, you weren't the closest of best friends.

   Humans were something new. The scientist part of you wanted to learn all about them, and wished you'd chosen a different alt mode to seem less conspicuous. You explored things called "memes" and "vines" and "social media", soon becoming immersed in their world. Nobody questioned it, considering curiosity drove you all the time. The team had become accustomed to you wanting to know more about everything.

Other things you found interesting:

•Organic things. You explored the different types of plants, animals, insects, arachnids, mammals, lizards, etc.

•Constellations. Star mapping was only a hobby, but the variety of constellations the humans came up with amazed you. Favorites included the Ursa Major, Orion the Hunter, Cassiopeia the Queen, and Perseus the hero.

•Books. Fantasy stories were the best genre in your opinion. Historical fiction was a close second though. Your favorites were Girls of Paper and Fire, The Iliad, This Is Not A Werewolf Story, and Honor Among Thieves. Least favorites include The Twilight Series.

Mythology. It didn't matter from what region. Whether it was from the Aztecs, the Ancient Greeks, Ireland, it was all so awesome to learn about!

  Basically, you loved humans. The good ones anyways. The only one you ever got to meet in person was Agent William Fowler, who you weren't much of a fan of. Sure, he was simply looking out for his fellow humans, but he really liked to yell. You hated loud noises. They terrified you, and you weren't entirely sure why yourself. It was one of the reasons you never went outside when it rained every once in a blue moon; you were afraid that the loud clapping of thunder would come after you.

  You remembered that one magical day when Arcee and Bumblebee brought humans into base. You were so excited! You could tell your sire didn't approve, and neither did a certain two-wheeler. You found it unfortunate that you yourself didn't get a human partner out of it, but you found it better that way, as you didn't need to choose a favorite. You could bond with all of them equally!

   Miko through your curiosity and optimism, Jack through your responsibility, and Raf through your passion for learning new things!

All I Want - Megatron X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now