Chloe Alert

703 22 5

Requested by: Allllliiiee

Wesley Stromberg.... the most adorable guy you've ever talked to and the most attractive you've ever layed eyes on. With the most amazing singing voice and music. Your sister, the girl that all of the guys date, the 'pretty one' of the two of you, as they said.

She knew that you liked Wesley, she knew it and didn't care to consider you when she agreed to go out with him. Sure, you'd talked to him a few times- but that wasn't important now. They've been dating for five months currently, and it's getting nearly unbearable as you hear their giggles from her bedroom.

Without thinking you bolted into the room, not even planning what you would say as you forced the door open. They just stared at you, waiting to hear what you had to say. Your sister cleared her throat, "y/n...." she said irritated, "what are you doing?.. " and you just stood there, unable to form a sentence. Before you knew it she had Wesley leave for a few minutes and pulled you into the room.

"What the hell was that?!" she yelled.

"I don't... I... I'm sorry... I just wanted to.. um... talk to.. um.. you guys.." you stuttered.

"Y/n... I've already been over this with you. He doesn't want to talk to you! He. doesn't. like. you. He loves me, so if I were you, I'd stop being so desperate because you look pathetic." she spat. You looked down, shameful. Tears already falling from your eyes as you shuffled back to your room. From the corner of your eye you could see a shocked Wesley, making you cry even more.

As you sat on your bed, you put your music on loud enough to drown the sounds of your sobs as, embarrassing enough, Chloe came on. You didn't really care to change it right now,  He probably wouldn't notice anyways, right? Wrong. There was a light knock on the door and before you could say 'go away' Wesley literally just walked into your room. You just let the tears fall but turned the music off.

"Y/n... I'm sorry.. I know your sister can be kind of rude sometimes, but she really isn't a bad person," this caused you to scoff, "I apologize for the way she acted back there. You're a really beautiful girl y/n, inside and out... but you need to move on... I love your sister"


This actually made me emotional.

Do you all like the way my imagines are turning out or is there anything you all think I should change about them? Please let me know(:

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