[11] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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"Well that's the grand tour," I finished showing Burke everything with a smile on my face. Surprisingly I had enjoyed showing him my house, he just walked around with an amazed look on his face, and it looked adorable.

I will not think about the fact that I called him adorable.

"Everything in your house is so huge." "Yeah, I don't know why because usually I'm the only one in it." I gave a nervous chuckle at the end of my sentence and I saw Burke giving me an inquiring stare, so I elaborated. "My parent's are always gone, so I'm usually the only one here."

His stare now became blank, and that was all I could tell that he was feeling; blank.

"I have to go" He said it so abruptly, that I was startled. But since he wanted to go, I would take him.

"Okay, I'll just get my keys again." "No, I'll just go alone." "Okay," I didn't know what to say to him, it seemed that our sharing time was over, even if I was the only one who shared any information.

I watched him leave with a frown on his face, then I went upstairs to read and listen to music.


The next morning was the same as ever; I brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on some clothes, and deodorant, and had breakfast.

It was almost the same as any other morning, and surprise, surprise my parents weren't here. It was like I was living alone, well I was living alone.

I went into my car and drove to school; hell.


The only thing I did differently was the fact that I stayed in the care. I didn't want to get out, I didn't want to go to the classes, or do the homework but I had to. I let out a groan and then a scream when I saw Keegan looking at me through the window.

He laughed when I rolled down the window and I just rolled my eyes. "Do you always look at your student's through the window?" The words flowed out of my mouth before I could stop them. "Only when, I see the students stay in their cars." "I just didn't want to leave." I laughed at my antics and he laughed at them as well.

Then of course I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door, and walked out of the car.

"So you decided to join the rest of us." "Only because your side has cookies."

He laughed again, and his hair reflected the light from the sun, and the corners of his lips went up into a smile.

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Sorry guys but I forgot about this story, which is why it took so long for you to get an update. To be perfectly honest with you guys, I'm not interested in writing this story anymore, it just seems to juvenile. So hopefully, I might like it but, that's not likely. I'm not as young as I was when I wrote this and hopefully my writing has matured, so I'm interested in writing about different topics. The thing of it is whenever, I try to post one of my new stories on Wattpad, they never get as famous as this one, so hopefully you guys will check out some of my newer and hopefully better stories.

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