[2] I Think I'm In Love With My New Math Teacher

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I will admit that I did stare at Mr. Ross for about five minutes before I realized that I was really staring something that I never thought I would do. I hope he hadn't realized that I was staring at him. It was then that I realized he was talking "My name is Mr. Ross but my first name's Keegan" he said with a wink on the end. I was really surprised he told us his first name since most teachers wouldn't but then again he wasn't most teachers.

He then started taking role and when he called my name I just raised my hand, I just wanted to seem normal. I didn't want him to know that my jaw almost dropped when I first set my eyes on him and that I stared at him for a couple of minutes. It was a change for me, I usually didn't just stare at guys especially teachers, even if he was a hot teacher. Thankfully after that he just said what all teachers have to say on the first day of school and he gave everyone a paper to have their parents look over and that was when the bell thankfully rang. I never realized that I had a pair of chocolate colored eyes following my every move.

After that everything was how it usually was at school except for lunch that was where everyone started talking about the new teacher hot teacher if you were talking to the girls. "What do you think of Mr. Ross Kyra?" brought me out of my thoughts it came from my best friend Tessa. "He's ok," was all I said. "Well I think he's hot." That was Tessa saying the thoughts that just passed through her mind. It sometimes got her in trouble with the girls but not with the guys. All they had to do was look in her blue eyes and forget all about it. Sometimes I was jealous of her but then I realized I wouldn't enjoy all that attention.

Fortunately the bell rang again and for once the bells were actually on my side today. I was happy with my classes and most of my teachers. I also had Tessa in every class except my homeroom period with Mr. Ross and of course math. Finally when I was done with all my classes I saw and old friend of mine Aiden. I hadn't seen him in a long time and he changed completely. He was now "emo" he had the hair and the guy liner and the clothes. He was the one who got my mind off of Mr. Ross.

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We decided to go to the mall and to go to Hot Topic and he of course got some new studded belts and posters. I bought some new skinny jeans and then we went and ate some pretzels and talked. "Kyra what do you think of the new teacher?" Why was everyone asking me that. "I guess he's ok I just hope he'll be a good teacher," I said I didn't want to mention the fact that I thought he was handsome. "So you don't think he's hot" I cant believe he asked me that "He's ok" "Wow you're the first girl who hasn't told me that he's hot." Thank god he believed me.

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With that he went into my car and we left and I went home to sign the papers the teachers gave me to give to my parents. They wouldn't have signed them in the first place.

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